
most popular iconDo you find yourself referring to one of our CarseatBlog articles frequently? So did we, so we created a list of our most popular articles.



Car seats can’t touch. No “puzzling” or sharing of imaginary “airspace”.

It’s never safe to check a car seat when you fly

Your pediatrician is a car seat expert

You need an infant carseat for a newborn

Backseat baby mirrors are deadly projectiles

It’s not safe to place an infant seat on the top of a shopping cart

Infant car seats are designed to “click” into shopping carts

Bent legs in a car seat are developmentally dangerous

Legs bent or feet touching the backseat when rear-facing is dangerous

Rear-facing car seats can never touch front vehicle seats

5-point harnesses are safer than boosters for older kids

You can damage a car seat by installing it too tightly

LATCH is safer than a seat belt installation

We’re all going to die in an airplane crash anyway, why bother with a carseat?

Vehicle headrests are meant to break vehicle windows

The car seat will fly through the windshield if you install it in the center



2024 Rotating Carseats Comparison: Find Your Best Match

Evenflo Revolve360 Model Comparison: Original vs. Slim vs. Extend

The Ultimate Rear-Facing Convertible Carseat Space Comparison – Size Matters!

2020 Best Convertible Carseats for Extended Rear-Facing: the definitive guide for savvy shoppers!

Comparison of Budget-Priced Convertible Carseats under $100

3-Across Carseats: Making the Impossible Possible!


Recommended Lists

Recommended Carseats (General)

Recommended Infant Carseats for Preemies & Multiples 

Rear-Facing Until 2 Years Old: Why Not?

You need an infant carseat for a newborn

Are backseat baby mirrors deadly?

Shopping Cart Safety – is it safe to put an infant carseat on top of cart?

It is safe to place your infant seat on the top portion of a shopping cart

Can infant car seats “click” into shopping carts?

Shopping Carts – Eeek! What NOT to do with your infant carseat

Are bent legs in a car seat developmentally dangerous?

Legs bent or feet touching the backseat when rear-facing is dangerous

Can rear-facing car seats touch front vehicle seats?

The Ultimate Rear-Facing Convertible Carseat Space Comparison – Size Matters!

2021 Best Convertible Carseats for Extended Rear-Facing: the definitive guide for savvy shoppers!

Comparison of Budget-Priced Convertible Carseats under $100

Airplane Travel

Flying with Kids & Carseats – the checked carseat controversy

Lap Babies on Airplane – A Warning All Parents Must See

Recommended Carseats for Airplane Travel

Travel Carseats: The Ultimate Guide to What You Want to Take on A Plane

We’re all going to die in an airplane crash anyway, so why use a carseat?


Booster Topics

Why 3-Year-Olds Have No Business Riding In Booster Seats

You Asked: When Is the Right Time to Move to A Booster?

Think Your Big Kids Don’t Need A Booster? Think Again

Belt-Positioning Boosters with LATCH

CarseatBlog Quick Tip: LATCH and Booster Seats

5-point harnesses are safer than boosters for older kids

Once a 5-stepper, Always a 5-stepper.

The 5-Step Test