Welcome! CarseatBlog.com features expertise on all things related to transporting kids safely in the USA and Canada! Kecia, Heather and Darren are all highly trained Child Passenger Safety professionals who formed the first team of car seat influencers, publishing professional reviews and advice, in 2008. We have decades of experience in child passenger safety topics, and we’re parents too! We create the vast majority of original content for CSB. Our focus is on in-depth child safety seat reviews, new product announcements, the latest news stories, plus conference and trade show reports. As parents and educators, we provide educational content for parents and caregivers while also speaking to fellow CPS Technicians and advocates as well. At CSB you’ll find unique, expert perspectives on automotive and carseat safety.
Because we’re also parents, other parenting topics may be discussed, and we may occasionally include reviews on baby gear other than carseats. Whether our review is for a carseat, new vehicle, stroller or other product, we do not hesitate to discuss its flaws and other potential issues. Unlike other reviewers or influencers, we do not gloss over problems that might be important to you. Most importantly, every carseat we review is one we’ve used and installed in various vehicles after thoroughly reading the instructions and labels, so we can tell you everything you really need to know. We never compromise our standards to review a product that we don’t have extensive hands-on experience with.
Carseat Media LLC (dba CarseatBlog, aka Car-Seat.Org) owns and operates Carseatblog.com and Car-Seat.Org for the USA and Canada. You may view our Terms of Service (including our copyright and takedown policy) and our Privacy Policy. CarseatBlog first began publishing at WordPress.com in January, 2007; the first expert blog of its kind that focused specifically on child safety seat reviews, news and advice! We celebrate our official anniversary from July, 2008 when our team of moms and dads, all child passenger safety technicians and instructors, began publishing articles regularly on traffic safety issues at our own self-hosted WordPress blog.
Disclaimer/Disclosure Effective 1/1/10: This blog is a collaborative work written mostly by four primary authors. We occasionally feature invited guest bloggers as well. We do accept advertising in the form of third party sponsorships and advertisements (Google, sovrn, Conversant, Amazon and other networks). Car-Seat.Org (and its websites, including CarseatBlog.com) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com or myhabit.com. As Amazon Influencers we earn from qualifying purchases. This advertising does not influence the content, topics, or posts made in this blog, with the possible exception of giveaways provided by a sponsor and these will be noted as such. We do not accept payment of any type in exchange for comments/opinions on products, services, websites, or any other topic. As such, all opinions are those of each blogger and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the authors or other bloggers. We also do not accept paid insertions of content into our blog from advertisers or other parties. Any material we publish from a sponsor, manufacturer, or third party resource will be clearly quoted or otherwise noted as such. We never publish content from advertisers as our own work. From time to time we may acquire product samples from manufacturers or retailers. We strive to be objective in all our reviews, whether we received a free sample, were given a discount, or purchased it ourselves at retail price. Though most of our reviews will be positive overall, we will not hesitate to discuss flaws and problem issues. In general, we will simply not post a detailed product review that would be very negative overall, especially if a manufacturer, retailer, or distributor generously provided the product to us. We do always provide feedback (positive and negative) to manufacturers when requested.
Please also see our full Marketing Disclosure.
All opinions at CarseatBlog are those of the individual author for informational purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect any policy or position of Carseat Media LLC.
CarseatBlog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. CarseatBlog is limited in scope to the USA and Canada. We do not provide or target information to viewers in the EU or other countries.
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All content and images Copyright ©2007-2024, by the authors and Carseat Media, LLC, dba Car-Seat.Org. All Rights Reserved.