Compare Child Restraint Safety Features and Carseat Dimensions
It’s been a very long time in the works, but we’re finally able to make public our database to compare carseat measurements and features, just in time to finish CPS Week, 2015. The comparison tool uses measurements we take when we review products. For products we haven’t measured ourselves, we use data contributed by Car-Seat.Org members.
Since measurements can vary from one person to another and even one day to the next, we caution that your own measurements may vary. Plus, manufacturers update carseats from time to time, so there is absolutely no guarantee that these measurements are accurate or will reflect your own product. This information is provided simply for rough comparisons among models. To compare up to four carseats within a category, simply use the “Compare Carseats” pull-down menu option at the top of this page, click the links on the sidebar or click the “Go to” jump menu on mobile devices or click one of the category links below:
Compare Carseats (Main Page)
More information, along with individual Carseat Data Capsules can still be found at Car-Seat.Org.
Among other measurements, we have compiled highest and lowest harness slot heights, crotch buckle depths, seating width and depth, and product weight as well as child age, weight and height ranges. Where possible, we have also included valuable features like seatbelt lockoffs and product information such as lifespan.
CarseatBlog is not responsible for inaccurate information, omissions or other errors. Some products have incomplete data and we apologize for any missing information. We will slowly confirm or replace submitted information with our own measurements, but for many products we rely upon contributors to supply these measurements. We would like to give a big Thank You to MomToEliEm and everyone from who contributed to this project over the years. It originally was going to be hosted at the now defunct website, but technical hurdles made it too difficult. The best intentions to create a new website just to host the comparison tool also ran into some challenges, but now it has found a home at CarseatBlog and better late than never! We hope you find it useful when shopping for carseats or giving advice to friends and family.
This is still a work in progress. We will be adding new products, filling in missing data and making other improvements regularly, so please check back again when comparing carseats. We do welcome suggestions for products, comparison categories and general feedback about the appearance and usability of our data. Please keep in mind that it is a commercial software product so we are limited in how it looks and feels. Feel free to leave us a comment by replying to this blog!
All information is Copyright© 2001-2015, Carseat Media LLC, All Rights Reserved
The info for the Evenflo Tribute is out of date. The rear-facing weight limit as well as the forward-facing minimum have changed. (It rear-faces to 40 pounds and has a minimum of 22 pounds for forward-facing.)
Hi! Love this resource soooo much, thank you!!
When comparing the Size4Me with the Contender I think the # of recline options are switched (,117/graco-contender-vs-graco-size4me–fit4me–my-size–head-wise/ )
Thanks, Saara. Got it.
The compare feature is missing forward facing height limits. I really miss that, as it’s an important factor for us in choosing a car seat! Thanks!
That’s awesome! I use the Measurements page all the time. To be able to compare 4 seats at a time will be great! Thanks!
Love the new comparison tool! Being able to compare 4 seats side-by-side is extremely helpful for giving advice to friends and family!