Parlez-vous espagnol?


spanish dictionaryI have come to the conclusion that I need to learn to speak Spanish in order to work more successfully as a technician.  Many of our clientele where I live are Spanish-speakers it’s a hindrance when the only way I can communicate is by hand gestures.  I just wish I wasn’t so stubborn back in 8th grade when Spanish was first offered as an elective: no, even though I knew it was a language that would come in handy seeing as how I lived in the Phoenix area, I wanted to learn French.  So in high school, pig-headedness still prevailed and I took French for 3 years and another year in college.  I was very good at French.  Too bad I don’t live in France.

I’ve heard good things about Rosetta Stone and dh and I have talked for a couple of years about buying the Spanish (Latin America) version.  But it’s got a high price tag for the 3 versions of it—$500—so all we’ve done is talk.  Dh was going to buy it for my birthday, but read the Amazon reviews and there were quite a few valid negative reviews, so he took me to San Francisco instead 😀 .  I don’t like the idea that RS can only be installed on 2 computers and that customer service is difficult to reach.  Between the kids and us, we’ve got 6 working computers right now and *I* want to be the one to decide where *I* put the software *I* bought.  But that’s a separate blog article methinks.  Do you think there’s a Spanish language learning program that’s just for CPS techs?  How handy would that be?  Pre-translated phrases all ready to learn.  Cool!  Ah, but I’m dreaming.

So, any suggestions for me to learn Spanish at home?  Keep in mind that I’m gung-ho to start projects but I tend to lose interest if they take more than a day to do—hmmm, I’ve currently got 3 going for that I started weeks ago and 1 that I started back in May.  Maybe if we started a support group . . .


  1. Bookmama August 8, 2009
  2. murphydog77 August 4, 2009
  3. Elaine August 4, 2009
  4. star3night August 4, 2009
  5. murphydog77 August 4, 2009
  6. Jennifer August 4, 2009
  7. skaterbabscpst August 3, 2009
  8. CelticLabyrinth August 3, 2009
  9. Tanya August 3, 2009
  10. bobandjess99 August 3, 2009