ABC Kids Expo 2012: What’s New from Kiddy, UPPAbaby, Kids Fly Safe (CARES), Ride Safer Travel Vest & Orbit Baby!


Whew! That’s quite a mouthful. But I’m desperately trying to get all our ABC Expo updates finished!

Truth be told, every CR manufacturer has stepped up their game BIG TIME in recent years and that makes me happier than a slinky on an escalator! 😉  Seriously – you have no idea how lame it was to be a carseat geek 15 years ago. Well, maybe you do – in which case, join me in celebration!



New fashions for Kiddy World Plus & Cruiserfix Pro



After having a few too many at the Diono booth earlier in the day, Baby Jack decided to volunteer for some OOP (Out of Position) testing with the Kiddy World Plus.  The resulting photo shoot was hysterical but I’m afraid to post the pics because I’ll probably offend the doll safety advocates (who no doubt hate me already for contributing to the delinquency of a baby doll).  😉


Anyhow…. moving right along….

Kids Fly Safe (CARES Harness for aircraft)

New large size for Special Needs tweens, teens and adults up to 6′ tall (requires FAA Exemption; click HERE for more info on using a CARES Harness for children with SN)



Orbit Baby

Low-birthweight kit for infant seat is now available: larger foam insert, smaller chest clip



Orbit Baby Double Helix stroller is finally available and it’s ridiculously cool! I’m also in love with the Sidekick stroller boards (and the sock monkey kids too)!



Speaking of contributing to the delinquency of a baby doll… I’m going to make this a little interesting. The very FIRST person who replies to this blog with the correct answer to the following question will win a bag of random ABC schwag!  And because this is not a sponsored giveaway, winning won’t disqualify you from winning any of our really good blog giveaways!

Question: Which inappropriate movie is Auntie Heather letting Baby Jack watch on her ipad as he chills out in his awesome Orbit Baby stroller system?




NEW Mesa infant carseat!

  • 4-35 lbs
  • Up to 32″
  • SmartSecure LATCH with built-in retractor for easy installation
  • Lock-offs for seatbelt installation
  • No-rethread harness
  • Internal SIP wings
  • Euro belt routing highly recommended if installing without base
  • Fits Huggable Images preemie doll well
  • SPF 50+ canopy
  • Fits Vista and Cruz stollers with one-touch release
  • Expected release Spring 2013
  • $279?




Ride Safer Travel Vest


RSTV Version 2:  current model for use with lap/shoulder belt or lap-only belt + top tether


RSTV Version 3:   New model for use with lap/shoulder belt only; no tether attachment; more ventilated and lighter design




  1. Kecia January 9, 2013
  2. Vera@STS January 9, 2013
  3. Pingback: Baby Depot Registry Completion Blog December 11, 2012
  4. Kecia December 6, 2012
  5. judy December 5, 2012
  6. Irishmama December 5, 2012
  7. Jennie December 5, 2012
  8. Kecia December 5, 2012
  9. Wendy Tischler Thomas December 5, 2012
  10. Wendy Tischler Thomas December 5, 2012
  11. Kecia December 5, 2012
  12. Kecia December 5, 2012
  13. Bree December 5, 2012
  14. Elizabeth December 5, 2012