Girl Hits 5 Deer in 1 Year–Look Out!


I don’t know who to be more scared for–the deer or the girl.  Kacee Larson of Iowa has hit 5 deer in the last 12 months.  Perhaps she needs to read Ulrike’s blog post on how to react when encountering deer.  I do like the part in the article where the police use the phrase “don’t veer for deer,” because drivers who do can roll their vehicles or drive into oncoming traffic.

Of course, I’m not at all making fun of Kacee.  My deer of choice when I was 16 was a Volvo.


  1. Jess71903 July 30, 2010
  2. Ulrike July 30, 2010
  3. CelticLabyrinth July 30, 2010