Gaining perspective is one of the greatest gifts of watching your kid(s) grow up. With each year that passes, and with each child that you raise, you live and learn. You also mellow a little bit, which is really helpful if you’re going to stand any chance of surviving your child’s teenage years. But you never forget the ages and stages – I least I haven’t.
From a child passenger safety standpoint, I have survived every inevitable transition there is and it’s given me the wisdom and perspective to be able to help other parents who may be on a new and unfamiliar road that I have already traveled. Rear-facing to forward-facing; 5-point harness to booster; booster to passing the 5-Step Test using just the adult seatbelt; moving from the rear seat to the front passenger seat and now this…
Quick, someone please reassure me that we will all survive this transition because I’m not so sure about this one!
Oh, Kecia, I feel ya. Kar’s probably going to finally get his license on spring break (it was too snowy to test on his mid-winter break…). On the one hand, I’m terrified. On the other, I can’t wait for him to get himself to school . Sigh. When did our babies grow up?!?!?!
I can’t believe he’s old enough to drive! I still remember a little kid in Chicago. Sheesh!
Isn’t it funny how 16 seems plenty old enough to drive when you’re a teenager, but you can look back just a few years later and 16 year olds behind the wheel look like they’re way too young?!