Baby Trend has released probably the best news ever! All Baby Trend infant seat handles may now be left in the up position in the vehicle. This is particularly good news for parents who own small cars and purchased Baby Trend infant seats, only to find out afterward that the handle was to be left in the down position while traveling in the vehicle. Baby Trend infant seats have the trademark triangular-shaped handle that, while comfortable to carry, take up a lot of space when rotated back.
As always, CarseatBlog and Baby Trend caution against hanging toys off the handle when it’s in the up position. Despite being crash tested in the up position now, Baby Trend does still recommend keeping the handle back if you have enough space to do so in your vehicle. But now you can feel secure knowing that the handle can stay safely up.
Is this for Canada as well???
I’m so glad to hear this change! Most of the Baby Trend seats I see around here have the handle up already, so I’m glad to see that it’s now allowed.
That is awesome news!!
Fantastic news!!!
That’s great news!