We have heroes. Scientists and doctors make life-saving discoveries. Perhaps they are rewarded with a Nobel Prize or a research grant. Soldiers go beyond the call of duty to save civilians or other soldiers. They may be honored with a service medal. Professional athletes reach a historic milestone or set a record. They get a bonus or go into the hall of fame or record books. Even child passenger safety advocates, who save the lives of children every day, can be honored for their efforts at a national, state or local conference.
For some heroes, their moment of fame may be limited to publicity. One, Antonio Diaz Chacon, struck me as a true hero that stands among the best of any of those I’ve mentioned. This, according to the Associated Press writer, Jeri Clausing.
Phillip Garcia, 29, had snatched the girl moments earlier on Monday afternoon in Albuquerque, taking her away in a blue van, police said.
Diaz’s husband, Antonio Diaz Chacon, jumped in his black pickup and gave chase. Garcia tried to lose him by driving through a maze of residential streets, “turning, and turning,” Diaz Chacon, a 24-year-old mechanic said Tuesday night as a swarm of media stood outside his home to hear his story. The events were interpreted and relayed from Spanish to English by his wife.
Finally, Diaz Chacon said, the man crashed into a telephone pole.
Garcia fled on foot, and Diaz Chacon grabbed the girl and took her home. Garcia then returned to his wrecked van and took off but was later captured by police, authorities said.
Thank you, Mr. Chacon, for preventing a tragedy, one that is every parent’s worst nightmare. You deserve your moment of fame!
Wow. That’s amazing. Thank you Mr. Diaz Chacon for your courage and quick thinking. You are a hero!