BebePaluzza Britax Advocate 70 CS Video


I’m here today at the BebePaluzza show in Schaumbug/Chicago, Illinois.  Britax and Harmony appear to be the only child safety seat manufacturers represented at the show, but it did offer me a chance to see the new Advocate 70 CS.  On the original Advocate CS, the unique side impact cushions made access to the seatbelt lockoffs and the harness adjuster somewhat difficult.  In the new one, there is no problem as the adjuster and lockoffs have moved to the front of the seat and are permanentley attached with no bungee cords.  Very nice!

I’ll also be uploading some photos  and other comments on this thread at Car-Seat.Org, so stay tuned!

Here’s a video of the Advocate, I hope the audio is OK, I got in just before the crowds but it got pretty loud pretty quickly!


  1. CPSDarren August 31, 2011
  2. carissa August 30, 2011
  3. Judi August 1, 2010
  4. love-pink August 1, 2010