CSB DEALS TRACKER: Amazon Annual BIG Spring Sale! March & April 2025 DEALS on Car Seats & Travel Systems
We’re baby gear experts and we know where the best deals are on the things parents actually want to buy. We scour Amazon, Target, Walmart, and other retailers to find the best bargains for you all year long! Bookmark this page and check back often for updates and also visit our Amazon Store with our Recommended Car Seats.
Looking for a deal on a specific type of product? Use our links below to quickly jump to the section that you’re interested in; it saves you from scrolling through the entire list.
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Infant (Rear-Facing Only) Car Seat Deals:
🌿Indicates this product is free of chemical flame-retardants🔥
🔥 Britax Willow S in select fashions $199.00 🌿20% Off
🔥 Britax Willow SC $239.99 🌿 20% Off
Chicco KeyFit 30 ClearTex in “Pewter Grey” $198.33 🌿 6% Off
🔥 Chicco KeyFit 35 ClearTex in “Cove” $183.99 🌿23% Off
🔥Graco SnugRide 35 Lite LX in “Studio” (no SnugLock lockoff) 95.99 20% Off
🔥 Graco SnugRide 35 LX in “Elko” with no-rethread harness (no SnugLock lockoff) $124.00
Graco SnugFit 35 DLX (with SnugLock, no-rethread harness & ARB) in “Spencer” $199.99 13% Off
🔥 Graco Premier SnugFit 35 XT (with SnugLock, no-rethread harness & ARB) $255.97 20% Off
Maxi-Cosi Peri 180 Rotating Infant Seat $449.99
Have you considered an Amazon baby registry? What do you get when you register? A free gift box valued at $35, a 90-day return policy for most items purchased from your registry, group gifting so multiple people can contribute to gifts, and more.
A Target baby registry gives you a 1-year free Shipt trial, 15% off registry coupon, 1 year return or exchange from your registry, and a welcome kit valued at $100.
Rotating/Swivel Seat Deals:
🌿Indicates this product is free of chemical flame-retardants
🔥 Chicco Fit360 ClearTex Rotating Convertible in “Slate” & “Drift” $355.99 🌿17% Off
🔥 Evenflo GOLD Revolve 360 SLIM with SensorSafe – Green & Gentle “Peridot Green” $315.00 🌿 20% Off
🔥🔥 Evenflo GOLD Revolve 360 SLIM with SensorSafe in “Amethyst” $264.99 30% Off
🔥 Evenflo Revolve 360 SLIM with Quick Clean Cover in “Salem Black” $274.00 22% Off
🔥🔥 Evenflo Revolve 360 SLIM with Quick Clean Cover in “Stow Blue” & “Sutton Purple” $200.00 LOW STOCK
🔥 Evenflo GOLD Revolve 360 EXTEND with SensorSafe – Green & Gentle “Emerald” $337.49 26% Off
🔥 Evenflo GOLD Revolve 360 EXTEND with SensorSafe in select fashions $303.00 30% Off
🔥🔥 Evenflo Revolve 360 EXTEND with Quick Clean Cover in “Rowe Pink” for $279.00 30% Off
Joie Chili Spin 360 in “Thunder” $279.99
Maxi-Cosi Peri 180 Rotating Infant Seat $449.99
Convertible & All-in-One Deals:
🌿Indicates this product is free of chemical flame-retardants
Britax Poplar ClickTight (ultra-narrow) in SafeWash “Graphite”, “Cobolt” & “Magenta” $299.99 🌿
🔥 Britax Poplar S ClickTight (ultra-narrow with ARB) in select fashions $325.49 🌿 7% Off
🔥 Britax One4Life ClickTight All-in-One in SafeWash select fashions from $279.99 🌿 20% Off
Chicco OneFit ClearTex All-in-One in “Obsidian” $279.99 🌿 7% Off
Clek Fllo in “Marshmallow” $429.99
🔥🔥 Disney Convertible Car Seat in “Simply Mickey” $139.99 36% Off
Graco 4Ever DLX in “Zagg”, “Joselyn” & “Fairmont” $279.99 7% Off
Graco 4Ever DLX Grad (with seatbelt trainer) in “Harrison” $379.99
Graco Grows4Me 4-in-1 $199.99 11% Off
Graco Contender Slim in “West Point” $159.99
🔥 Graco Extend2Fit 2-in-1 in “Gotham” & “Kenzie” $159.99 20% Off
🔥 Graco SlimFit 3-in-1 (original model) in “Darcie” & “Annabelle” $149.99 25% Off
Graco SlimFit3 LX (ultra-narrow model) in “Katrina” $259.99
🔥🔥 Maxi-Cosi Pria All-In-One in “Midnight Slate” $179.99 40% Off
Safety 1st Grow and Go in various fashions $149.99
WAYB Pico with Carrying Bag $515
Combination Seat Deals:
(Forward-Facing with 5-point Harness + Booster)
🌿Indicates this product is free of chemical flame-retardants
🔥 Britax Grow With You ClickTight in “Black Contour” $233.99 🌿 23% Off
Britax Grow With You ClickTight in “Cool Flow Grey” $299.99
Chicco MyFit ClearTex in “Atmosphere & Gardenia” $209.99 5% Off
🔥 Costco Finale DX in “Rainbow” $55.99 🌿 30% Off
Evenflo Maestro Sport in “Granite” & “Crestone Peaks” $89.99 10% Off
Graco Nautilus LX 2.0 in “Hex” $179.99
🔥 Ride Safer Portable Travel Vest in Various Sizes & Colors from $152 15% Off
Booster Deals:
🌿Indicates this product is free of chemical flame-retardants
HighBack Boosters:
Britax Skyline (with LATCH) in “Dusk” $108.56
🔥 Chicco KidFit ClearTex Plus (with LATCH) in “Black” 79.99🌿27% Off
Chicco KidFit Adapt Plus (Cooling fabric, with LATCH) in Black $129.99
Diono Cambria 2 XL (with LATCH) $99.99
Diono Monterey 2 XT (with LATCH) $129.99 19% Off
Graco TurboBooster Stretch (with LATCH) in “Ainsley” $89.00
Graco TurbuBooster 2.0 LX with Safety Surround $82.99
Peg Perego Viaggio Flex 120 (with rigid LATCH) $294.99
Backless Boosters:
🔥 Chicco GoFit ClearTex in “Reef” & “Shadow” $39.99 20% Off
🔥 Costco Topside in “Turquoise” $16.99 30% Off
Graco TurboBooster Backless 2.0 $28.98
Travel System Deals:
(Infant Carseat + Stroller)
Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 Travel System with CityGo2 Infant Car Seat in “Opulent Black” $579.99 18% Off
Britax Willow Brook S Travel System with Willow S Infant Car Seat $354.27 25% Off
Chicco Corso LE Modular Stroller with KeyFit 35 Infant Car Seat in “Veranda Gray” $599.99
Chicco Bravo LE Trio Travel System with KeyFit 30 Zip Infant Car Seat $399.00 20% Off
🔥 Evenflo Pivot Modular Travel System with LiteMax ARB Infant Car Seat $224.99 30% Off
Graco Modes Nest Travel System with SnugRide 35 Lite Infant Car Seat (no SnugLock lockoff) $319.99 20% Off
This list will be updated any time we see a great deal or promotion code below recent average prices, so you don’t have to wade through dozens of normally priced models to find the bargains. You can help us (and your fellow shoppers) by leaving us a comment if you find a deal on a carseat, booster, or popular stroller that isn’t posted yet. We recommend that you bookmark this post, as we will update it regularly!
Additional deals will be posted as they become available. Find a deal that isn’t listed here? Leave us a comment and let us know what you found!
If you found a great deal here and share it with friends and social media, please be courteous and mention us and please consider using and sharing our links to Amazon, Target.com, Walmart.com, Kohl’s, and others. Thank you!
This post and others at CarseatBlog contain affiliate links. Please read About CarseatBlog for our affiliate policy and see our Marketing Disclosure.
*If you monitor our page or social media feed and then share a deal we found, please consider mentioning us. We spend a lot of time searching out deals and compiling the best ones. We’re happy if you spread the word, but we appreciate if you use our links and credit our site when you do. Thank you!
Graco Contender 65 for $93 on eBay from Mr Deals. What should I look for/be concerned about before buying?ddd
Hi Lisa, our general advice is to purchase from a major retailer that has easy and free returns. This way, if you get old stock, an opened/damaged product, something that doesn’t fit your child or vehicle or any other issue, you won’t have to pay a fortune in return shipping and restocking fees. Those will easily cost more than what you saved! Amazon, Target, Walmart, Costco and others tend to be good choices, wherever you can get the best deal on a fashion you like!
Sometimes an ebay or less well known retailer has an offer that is very good. If you trust them, they have good feedback and their return policies are acceptable, then perhaps it is worth the risk.
The Graco 4ever is available at Costco for 239.99
Safety 1st Grow and Go for $127 at Sears in 3 different colors.
Graco Contender 65 for $93 on eBay from Mr Deals. What should I look for/be concerned about before buying?
Graco Contender 65 at Target.com for $118 in select colors.
I really like Graco snug rides but I’m still exploring my options right now. What do you think of the Safety 1st Onboard 35 Air Infant Car Seat and Evenflo Embrace LX Infant Car Seat safety wise?
The Britain free base infant car deal link doesn’t seem to work. Is that deal over it is the link incorrect ?
Hi Al, the deal must have ended recently. I just tried it and could not get it to work, either. I’d guess it is glitched or the deal has ended. Unfortunately, no end date was listed so we had no advance warning. Thank you very much for letting us know, I will remove the deal from our page now.
Graco 4ever $229.88 in Studio at Walmart.com
I bought a Safety 1st Incognito from Amazon in February 2016 when our previous travel seat expired. Great price (around $20), but it arrived with a manufacture date of December 2013 and no expiration date to be found anywhere on the booster seat or in the instruction manual. I had to Google the lifespan of the seat. It irritates me on principle to get a seat with 2+ years of lifespan already gone, but since we likely will only use it for 12-18 months, I concluded that it wasn’t worth bothering with a return. The moral of the story is, check the manufacture and expiration dates when you buy from any online vendor!
Would like to know if there are going to be any sales on the graco extend2fit soon or the doino radian? Would both of those fit in a 2014 GMC terrain ok with a six month old 16lb infant? Trying to figure out which seat is the best for long term/other possible children as well. Thanks!
If you bought it at Amazon and not via 3rd party vendor, then it’s a no-brainer. Buy the other color, and use free returns on the one you don’t like as much:-)
Hey, the Graco Affix in purple is 51.09 right now.
this comes days after I convinced my daughter to buy the orange one because it was on sale at the time.
It looks like Babies R Us has the Chicco Nextfit for 20% off for the month of April. It is only the Kuma and Passion colors and the price only appears reduced once the car seat is added to the cart. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=62954736&cp=&parentPage=search&iradidTRU=213036&camp=aff:TRU:10078:Skimbit+Ltd.&irpidTRU=10078&irgwc=1
What are your thoughts on skipping an infant car seat and bringing my newborn home in a Diono Radian?
Hi Coreen, a larger, full-term newborn may fit acceptably in the Radian R120 or RXT with the infant insert. Many parents do opt to use a convertible from birth, rather than using an infant carrier for a year or so. The Radian isn’t one of the best models for newborns, though it is better than many others. Diono also sells shorter harness straps if fit on newborns is an issue (https://us.diono.com/replacement-parts/radian-harness-straps-33) It likely would not work well for preemies or low birthweight infants. We have some other suggestions here: https://carseatblog.com/23359/
Diono Radian RXT in Storm or Daytona $239.99 + $5 shipping (flat rate for entire order). TODAY ONLY.
You guys should consider posting cashback deals as well and gift cards. Like clicktights are pretty much the same price everywhere but factor in at kohls that you get kohls cash and yes2you rewards..which makes it a better deal than anywhere else. At least as far as I know
Our list is primarily Amazon deals on products we watch routinely. There are certainly other deals that are better, especially when store rewards are considered. We do sometimes list deals from Target, Kohl’s, Walmart and other stores that offer easy/free returns, especially if the product is not carried at Amazon or is on a particularly good sale not matched by Amazon.
Visitors are welcome to post deals at other major national retailers in comments here. We reserve the right to remove/edit other deal links/comments, however. In particular, affiliate tags may be replaced or added to visitor submitted deals.
The chicco travel system in glacial listed for $179 on this blog is listed on Amazon for $229. Is there a coupon code to input to bring the price to $179? Thank you
Hi Tiffany- our apologies. The deal appears to have sold out since our last update yesterday afternoon. At this time it looks like only 3rd party vendors have the item in stock. Thank you for alerting us!
Hi! I tried to buy the Diono Pacifica car seat on Amazon with the $30 gift card, but I never got it discounted when I try to check out.
Hi Wan, sorry you had issues with Amazon. The gift card offer ended sometime yesterday evening for all Diono carseats. If it was shown in the Special Offers area when you added the carseat and the gift card to the cart, then I would definitely contact Amazon to see if they can credit you the appropriate amount. That’s much easier for them than to have you return them if there was a glitch with the offer!
I got a Lightning deal on the Diono Ranier for 239.99 on Amazon. Not sure if it’s sold out yet, as I cannot see anymore.
So target has a sell going on the britax marathon for 172.. Is that a good deal.
Local Target stores have many 2015 fashions of various carseats on clearance that are very good deals right now. The prices and selection vary a lot from one store to another. These deals are generally not available online at Target.com.
Recommendations for the best convertible seat with a small footprint? Need to fit 3 kids in the back seat (no other seats) of a Kia Soul. Thanks!
Hi Amanda, it may take some trial and error to find something that works but I would start by trying the Graco Contender. Good luck!
Hi! Do you expect the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio convertible to go on sale. I haven’t seen it on sale too often.
The Peg was on sale in one fashion within the last week, but sold out quickly. We will add it again if we see another price drop!
which carseat would you recommend between the britax advocate, boulevard g4.1 and the boulevard click tight?
Britax Boulevard clicktight down to $252.44.
Walmart has the Britax Boulevard G4.1 for $179.99 right now.
THanks Kelly that’s a great deal! Here’s the link: http://fave.co/1NVn3lp