Hybrid Parking Spots: Reserved or Free For All?


It’s hard to believe anyone is against improved fuel economy.  From the politics and economics of importing oil from unfriendly states in the middle east, to burning a limited resource and spewing smog and carbon emissions into the air.  It’s all bad.

Still, when does encouraging fuel efficient vehicles go too far?  Many get tax breaks, often federal and state.  Some allow you to drive in reserved lanes on the freeway in some metropolitan areas.  Charging stations for plug-in vehicles take premium parking spaces.  Some cities and shopping centers even have prime parking spots dedicated to hybrid or other fuel efficient vehicles.

Such parking spots may be enforced by municipal ordinances, while others may be simply suggestions.  While hybrids usually have a badge of some sort to identify them, what defines a “fuel efficient” vehicle?  Is it a clean diesel?  A sub-compact?  Anything better than average for its class?  Who decides?  The city?  The parking enforcement officer?  Maybe you do?  Suppose you drive a monster SUV but that hybrid spot is the last one in the lot and you’re running late to bring in a few sick kids to the doctor’s office.  It’s a lot more fuel efficient for you to park there than to drive around for 5 minutes spewing toxic stuff into the air, right?

So, what do you think?



One Response

  1. Jennifer August 3, 2014