Expert Recommended All-in-One Carseats for 2025
CarseatBlog helps you find the best carseat for you! Below you’ll find the complete list of our recommendations for 2025 for 3-in-1 (Rear-facing, forward-facing and high back booster) and 4-in-1 (adds backless booster) child safety seats. The selection criteria are based on multiple factors, including our extensive hands-on experience installing and using each seat as well as the competition in each category and price point. We do not separate this list by price; however, our top picks in each budget category can be found in our Editors’ Picks section. If you’ve found this resource to be helpful, please consider purchasing through our affiliate links or from our exclusive DEALS TRACKER page. This supports CarseatBlog’s mission to deliver the most professional carseat reviews and child passenger safety resources.
All-in-one seats can be used rear-facing, forward-facing, and as a booster. They are generally the next step after the infant seat. However, many all-in-one seats will fit average-sized full-term newborns well and some parents choose to skip the infant seat altogether and use a convertible or all-in-one right from the start. Weight and height limits vary depending on the specific model.
Britax One4Life All-in-One
Features: Rear-facing 5-50 lbs.; forward-facing 22-65 lbs.; highback booster 40-120 lbs.; ClickTight installation system which also acts as a lockoff device for the seatbelt; headwings with EPP foam and energy-absorbing headrest; no-rethread harness with 15 height positions; 2 buckle positions; non-twist harness straps; “rip stitch” energy management tether; anti-slip base with impact-absorbing technology and 9 recline positions; optional newborn insert and optional harness strap covers. Optional anti-rebound bar accessory (ARB) sold separately.
Drawbacks: Heavy and bulky, harness can be difficult to tighten when seat is rear-facing.
Our comments: To make your life easier, always use the seatbelt to install any Britax seat that has the ClickTight system. Fits newborns well. Tallest harness height and booster height of any all-in-one seat currently available. If you don’t need the maximum recline angle for a very young baby, these seats do not take up a lot of space when installed rear-facing so they are a good option for smaller vehicles. Some models come with an anti-rebound bar (ARB). You may also purchase the ARB separately if desired. Made in USA! All “Safe Wash” One4Life covers are free of added flame-retardant chemicals.
Evenflo Revolve360 Extend All-in-One
Features: 360-degree rotation allows you to load and unload your child from the side before swiveling the seat into a locked rear-facing or forward-facing orientation; rear-facing 4-50 lbs., forward-facing 22-65 lbs. and at least 2 years old, booster up to 120 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 14 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; seat and base separate for ease of installation; anti-rebound base design; belt-tensioning “LockStrong” bar; EPS foam; infant insert; removable dishwasher-safe cup holders.
Drawbacks: The “LockStrong” belt-tensioner feature is not considered a lockoff so you do need to remember to lock the seatbelt at the retractor once you’re done installing the base. Requires tethering so you need to make sure that you always have an available tether anchor to secure it. Difficult to get a good harness fit with a newborn or smaller baby.
Our Comments: An exciting and innovative all-in-one product that works well in every mode of use (RF/FF/Booster). A rotating seat can be a real lifesaver in some situations and we love how easy it is to install properly.
Graco 4Ever DLX All-in-One & 4Ever SnugLock All-in-One
Features: Rear-facing 4-40 lbs., forward-facing 22-65 lbs., booster mode 40-100 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 10 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; base with multiple recline positions for rear-facing and forward-facing; push-on LATCH connectors; EPS foam; lockoff for forward-facing installations with seatbelt; infant insert; dual cup holders (having the cup holders attached is mandatory)
Differences between DLX model & SnugLock model: 4Ever DLX model has a single basic clamp-style lockoff for installing the seat forward-facing using the seatbelt. There is no lockoff on the DLX model for rear-facing installation with seatbelt. The 4Ever SnugLock model features two awesome tensioning lockoffs, one for rear-facing and one for forward-facing installations. These tensioning lockoffs are also used when installing the seat with LATCH, not just for installation with seatbelt. The SnugLock tensioning lockoff makes achieving a tight installation almost effortless regardless of whether you are installing with LATCH or seatbelt.
Drawbacks: Forward-facing recline positions are dictated by the child’s weight (under/over 40 lbs.) Cup holders are required to be attached when seat is in use.
Our Comments: These are very popular seats and for many good reasons! An excellent choice for extended rear-facing; the 4Ever DLX/SnugLock is so tall that all kids will be able to rear-face in it until they reach 40 lbs. Also fits most average-sized newborns well. Easy to install in many vehicles but discontinue forward-facing installation with lower LATCH connectors and use seatbelt plus tether to install if child weighs more than 45 lbs. We have a complete review of the Graco 4Ever here.
Graco SlimFit3 LX 3-in-1
Features: 5-40 lbs. rear-facing, 22-65 lbs. forward-facing, booster 40-100 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 10 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; base with 2 recline positions for rear-facing and 2 positions for forward-facing; lockoff for forward-facing installations with seatbelt; push-on LATCH connectors; EPS foam; infant insert; dual cup holders.
Drawbacks: Lacks a rear-facing lockoff for easier installations with seatbelt
Our Comments: This new SlimFit3LX model is an ultra-narrow seat (only 16.5″ wide) that tends to fit well next to another carseat or person. An excellent choice for 3-across situations; tall enough that kids will be able to rear-face until they reach 40 lbs. Low sides make it easy to load and unload your child. The harness adjuster is smooth and it’s easy to tighten the straps. Reasonably easy to install properly in many vehicles but discontinue forward-facing installation with lower LATCH connectors and use seatbelt plus tether to install if child weighs more than 45 lbs.
Graco TrioGrow SnugLock 3-in-1
Features: Rear-facing 5-40 lbs., forward-facing 22-65 lbs., booster 40-100 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 10 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; swiveling “SnugLock” lockoff that can be used for both rear-facing and forward-facing installations, base with multiple recline positions for rear-facing and forward-facing; push-on LATCH connectors; EPS foam; infant insert; dual integrated cup holders.
Drawbacks: Cup holders are required when seat is in use.
Our Comments: TrioGrow SnugLock is so easy to install correctly! The unique swiveling lockoff is also a tensioning device for installations with either LATCH or seatbelt. The SnugLock feature means no more sweating and cussing trying to install your car seat tightly! An excellent choice for extended rear-facing; TrioGrow is so tall that all kids will be able to rear-face in it until they reach 40 lbs. Also fits most average-sized newborns well. Use seatbelt plus tether to install for kids who weigh more than 45 lbs.