One of the most common questions I see on parenting and car seat groups is regarding head slump, typically in forward-facing kids or in older rear-facing children. There are new aftermarket products coming out each day that promise to “fix” this issue, but as a Pediatric Physical Therapist and a CPS Technician, I have some grave concerns that these “solutions” to head slump might actually be much worse than the problem itself.
What is head slump?
The term “head slump” is used to describe a position of the head when the chin moves towards the chest in a moment of forward flexion of the cervical (upper) spine. It is most common when a person is sleeping upright, and to an adult, it can be pretty uncomfortable. Adults are not terribly flexible and some of us carry a tiny little bit (okay, a ton) of tension in our necks. But thankfully, our kids don’t. Their necks are more flexible than ours and much less prone to tightness from tension, so the forward flexed head isn’t usually painful for them.
The adult with head slump sleeping on an airplane isn’t in any danger from their head position and likewise, for most kids, it’s really a non-issue.
When is head slump something to worry about?
The first and most common scenario where head slump is a real problem is in a newborn. The airway in a newborn baby is tiny, about the diameter of a drinking straw, and often it’s a little more flexible than an adult’s, meaning it’s easier to partially block or collapse.
Another reason head slump can be concerning for a newborn is that they may not have the neurological drive to reopen their airway. That is, their brain may not be developed enough to realize that it’s being deprived of oxygen or to tell the muscles to do something about it. Finally, because newborns have proportionally large heads on tiny neck muscles, even if they have the drive to lift their heads, they often lack the strength to make that lift against gravity.
Image from Journal of Emergency Medical Services
The other situation where head slump is a concern is in older children who do not have adequate head control. These are children with medical diagnoses of some sort and the problem is essentially the same as in a newborn – if a child cannot lift and maintain their head upright against gravity, then they need to be positioned to make sure that head slump does not occur. The same goes for babies with tracheomalacia, where the trachea is not as rigid and may be more prone to collapse.
These two groups aside, head slump is not a problematic position for typically developing children and older babies. These children have wider airways, the ability and awareness to lift their heads if they’re not getting adequate air, and the position itself isn’t inherently dangerous for the neck. There’s not a universal age where this happens, but once baby can fully lift their head and hold it up to look around for a few minutes during tummy time, they are likely in the clear.
What should you do about head slump?
With a newborn, make sure you have achieved the maximum rear-facing recline angle allowed by the car seat. Some seats have a specific newborn recline angle indicator within the overall range of acceptable recline positions.
Some seats have a single level-to-ground line that should be appropriate for a newborn but there is no option to make the seat more upright for an older baby.
Other seats just have an acceptable range of recline. If your seat does not have a newborn recline angle specified, for the first several months, you will want to install the seat or the base so that it is reclined as far back as possible but still within the allowed range.
For a child with special medical needs, including poor head control, you will want to rear-face as long as you can to offer the most head and neck support and use the deepest recline allowed for your seat. If the child is too big for a rear-facing seat, you can look into a forward-facing seat with recline options or a specialized medical seat with positioning features or inserts. Even in these cases, you should not exceed the approved recline for your child’s size, per the instruction manual.
For a typical older child with head slump, your first and easiest option is to do nothing. I know it looks awful and uncomfortable but I promise that they are in zero danger from having their head dangling forward while sleeping. I’ve ignored the situation with all 3 of my kids and it’s never been an issue.
However, if you are determined to try to alleviate, or at least reduce, the head slump your child is experiencing while asleep, here are some safe and reasonable things to try.
For an older baby or toddler is experiencing head slump while rear-facing, it may be possible to recline their car seat a bit more. However, the downside of this is that bigger, heavier kids in very reclined rear-facing seats may be at higher risk for head injuries from “ramping” in a frontal crash. Proceed with caution before you make the decision to increase the recline angle on your older child’s rear-facing seat just to deal with a head slump issue. A potential sore neck after a nap (which is unlikely anyway) is much less risky than a potential head injury in a crash. More info on ramping can be found in this article.
If your child is riding in a forward-facing convertible or all-in-one seat and head slump is concerning to you, you may be able to return to the rear-facing position if your child is still under the RF weight and height limits of your seat. A rear-facing convertible/all-in-one is more reclined and can be more comfortable overall for sleeping.
For older children who are forward-facing, you can also consider a car seat which offers more than one recline position for forward-facing.
The Chicco NextFit convertible, Chicco OneFit All-in-One, Chicco Fit4 All-in-One & Chicco MyFit Harness + Booster all allow a slightly reclined position when the child is forward-facing but you have to stay within the FF range allowed by the liquid bubble level indicator.
The Britax One4Life All-in-One, all three Britax ClickTight Convertible models (Marathon, Boulevard & Advocate), & Britax Grow With You ClickTight Harness-2-Booster (forward-facing only), also allow a slightly reclined position when the child is forward-facing. The One4Life & the convertible models require the forward-facing recline angle to be within the FF range allowed by the level indicator.
Graco seats can be a little deceiving because the forward-facing recline positions are dictated by the child’s weight and those positions vary from one Graco seat to another. Example: the Graco 4Ever DLX 4-in-1 allows the use of recline positions 4 or 5 (4 being more reclined) but only when the seat is forward-facing for children under 40 lbs. For children over 40 lbs., the 4Ever DLX must be installed in the fully upright position 6.
The NEW Graco 4Ever DLX Grad 5-in-1 allows more flexibility in the recline positions you can use for a forward-facing child. This model requires forward-facing children under 25 lbs. to use recline position 4, and it requires children over 50 lbs. to use the most upright position 6. But for all forward-facing kids between 25-50 lbs., you can chose to install in recline positions 4, 5 or 6. This flexibility is a big improvement over the standard 4Ever DLX model.
If you’re not in the market for a new seat and you’re searching for a cheap and easy way to reduce head slump – try placing a sticker on the ceiling of your car, above your child’s seat. If they start to fall asleep, you can have them look up toward the sticker, which will keep them more upright in the seat and may prevent, or at least delay, head slump during their nap.
Now let’s talk about what NOT to do:
In the past several years a multitude of aftermarket (aka, non-regulated) products have been created to combat the head slump “dilemma”. Most of them are fairly similar in style – usually a fabric strip or sling of some sort, with elastic or velcro that attaches to the car seat. When the child starts to fall asleep you’re supposed to move the fabric piece over the forehead to help keep the head up. I don’t know how you do this safely while driving, but that’s kind of a secondary worry. These devices terrify me. They are not a solution for head slump, and should never be used for any child in any car seat, period.
For starters, every car seat on the market expressly prohibits the use of aftermarket (non-regulated) products, which means that if something happens, your car seat manufacturer could be absolved of all liability. More concerning, however, is the stress that these products could place on the neck in the event of a crash when used forward facing in a harness or booster.
The first picture below is my son pretending to forward face with a mock sling on his forehead. When he’s upright in a pre-crash position his head (blue circle) is aligned on a relatively neutral spine (green line). The following picture attempts to show what the alignment would look like during the first few milliseconds of a frontal crash. Even if the sling only held his head back for a fraction of a second, it could be enough to alter the alignment of his head, neck, and spine, while the torso moves forward first. You can see the huge curvature of the upper spine (curved green line). There are several delicate ligaments that are critical for spinal stability that could be torn, not to mention the potential for multiple fractures, especially on the back side of the spine where it is compressed. Once the sling slips off, the head will make the range of motions that it would have made from the start, without the sling. The concern is that the head and neck will go through an even greater range of motion since the head was briefly held back when the torso began moving forward. Whenever you have increased motion on the neck, there’s an increased risk of a very substantial spinal injury.
I can’t stress this enough – holding the head back, even for a millisecond, while the torso moves forward with great force in a frontal crash, is going to harm the neck. The physics of this are dangerous and potentially even fatal.
With a rear-facing child, the risk may seem less severe but we shouldn’t assume that. In a frontal crash, the child will ramp up significantly in the seat and the sling may end up on the child’s throat which could cause significant injury to their airway. Even if that doesn’t happen, we still need to consider the secondary “rebound” motion that the rear-facing child experiences in the late phases of a frontal crash. And of course, there are concerns about what might happen in a rear-impact crash. Even without a crash, these slings can slide out of place and could be a strangulation or smothering risk, especially for a baby.
Bottom line, these aftermarket products are just not safe. Even if they claim they’ve been crash tested, there is no way to know what that means since there are no safety standards for these products to pass or fail. Even if it was attached to a child dummy during a certified FMVSS 213 crash test, there’s still no way to know how it would affect a real child who might use it.
What should you do if you’re still concerned about head slump?
Find a local CPS Technician using Safe Kids’ website here. Have the technician check your installation to see if more recline could or should be used with your seat. Have them check the harnessing too to determine if a snugger harness or improved placement of the harness height and headwings could help prevent or reduce the head slump. If everything is as it should be, and your child isn’t a newborn or an older child with low tone and poor head control, try the sticker on the ceiling suggestion. If that doesn’t work, just try to let it go. Head slump happens sometimes, but it’s really not a concern for neurotypical older babies and kids. It may look scary or uncomfortable but in an older baby or child, the risk of something bad happening because of head slump is virtually non-existent.
Adding aftermarket products to a car seat to prevent head slump is absolutely more risky than what you are trying to prevent.
Of course after market car seat products shouldn’t be used per car seat manufacturer instructions, but your example doesn’t demonstrate that at all. As previously mentioned, your son is not strapped into the car seat and the position in the second photo would be impossible if he was strapped in. Also, you aren’t using any of the products in your demo, so how is a reader supposed to believe a mass-produced car seat device commercially sold is the same as a piece of tape? None of the head slings on the market look like peices of tape, in fact many have more than 2 points of connection. It’s just a very poor and not believable representation.
If you really wanted to illustrate that head slings put a child in a dangerous position during a crash, you’d get the most common styles of slings, strap a child or dummy into a car seat, then apply the sling and demonstrate. Surely one purchase to educate people about how dangerous these products are wouldn’t fund a company enough to expand the business. In fact, you could name names of the companies that make these in your article and hurt their business.
Better yet, you could rely on collision studies, if there were any. The fact that there aren’t any collision studies involving head positioning devices on infant or child car seats and the non-collision studies only show favorable results means that these devices are POTENTIALLY dangerous. As is a car seat, blanket, or water.
We have the Evenflo Sonus 2-1 car seat. We have it reclined to the max apparently but still seams so upright. Nowhere for him to rest his head so it falls completely forward and flops around.
Hi Katie. Just to be clear: the carseat is reclined so that the line on the side of the seat is level to the ground? How old is your child? Older kids without any health concerns are OK with their heads falling forward; it’s the newborns and young babies who don’t have neck strength to move their heads to open their airways that we need to watch out for. As adults, we project our discomfort onto kids who sleep with their heads forward, but as long as they can breathe, they’re OK.
I have some questions about Car seat Head Slump for a three year old
Hi Victoria. What are they? Head slump usually isn’t a problem for a 3 yr old, though it looks really uncomfortable for us adults.
I appreciate the pictures of your son pretending to put a strap on his forehead but since the carseat harness was not on it was not an accurate representation at all.
Some of the head harnesses have been rated as safe to use and been tested in accident testing.
But you’re entitled to your opinion.
None of the head straps have been tested. There are no crash standards to them against. They could literally throw it against a wall and claim it was “crash tested.” Physics says they are unsafe entirely.
KW, I’ve actually done that while teaching my technician classes and talking about FMVSS 213 and aftermarket products. There’s nothing regulating these things at all so they literally can throw them against a wall and call them crash tested.
Of course, some companies do actual crash testing of their products, but they would need to perform tests on all carseats, all iterations of each carseat, in each approved manner of use of the carseat. Some manufacturers make their own “aftermarket” or “nonapproved” products and test them when they run compliance testing because, why not? But for the other guys? It would literally cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to accomplish that. It’s much easier to put a label on the package and dupe unsuspecting parents.
Hi I have a graco for my 9 month old and we are having this problem. Where do I put The pool noodle? Thanku!
Hi Michelle, which Graco car seat do you have?
I am looking at purchasing a 2nd carseat, Which car seat is the least forward leaning that you would recommend?
The most reclined seats are going to be those that have a recline line as the indicator; Evenflo and Dorel seats have lines. However, they take up a lot of front-to-back space in the back seat and usually need a center of the back seat install or one of the front seats pulled pretty far, if not all the way, forward. To help avoid head slump, look for a carseat that has a re-thread harness; that is, one that doesn’t have headwings. The Evenflo SureRide (https://amzn.to/2Wt3al0) and Sonus (https://amzn.to/2M8XSrf) and the Cosco Scenera NEXT (http://fave.co/1SPlQjJ) don’t have headwings. I also haven’t heard any complaints about the Britax ClickTight convertibles: http://amzn.to/2bJO7s6.
I ended up using the top part meant for small babies and putting it behind her back since there was a gap on her back to where the head rest sticks up more then the remaining of the back support specially when I raised the head section higher. It’s not meant to be like this but this is the only way it worked for us and is still like this until she is older.
Hi Melissa. Please remove that head piece from behind your daughter’s back as this is dangerous. Placing padding behind her there that isn’t meant to be there can add slack to the harness in a crash or move in such a way that can cause her to be out of position in a crash.
Which carseat is it and how old is your child? Is the seat as reclined as it can be—meaning it’s at the maximum recline allowed on the angle indicator? There’s a difference between having the carseat on recline 3 out of 3 and having it at the maximum recline according to the indicator. You can add noodles or a rolled towel if needed to get to the maximum recline indicated.
I’m having this problem with the graco 4 in 1 seat. My daughter is rear facing and I have her seat in the most reclined position but it still seems like she’s sitting up too much. She’s not very comfortable and her head is slumped when sleeping.
It’s a common misconception that you can’t use the recline setting for newborns once your child is over 3 months, but you can! If you feel your daughter still needs more recline, add a tightly rolled towel or pool noodle(s) until the ball is in the most reclined blue circle.
We just got Graco 4ever but I’m really not happy with the way my littles’ head seems to tuck forward because of how far the adjustable headrest sticks out from where the rest of her back lays. Her chin ends up tucked . She is 23 lbs, 31 inches, rear facing in recline position number 2. Am I doing something wrong or is this to be expected on most adjustable seats?
Kristen, you can use recline setting 1 if it still allows the carseat to be anywhere inside the allowable rear-facing recline zone (including the 0-3 month circle). Also, if you haven’t removed the head pillow, I’d do that since it will push heads forward.
Most carseats with adjustable head wings will have some form of this problem though it is more pronounced on some seats. The Graco seats tend to have more of a head slump issue, but for otherwise healthy older children, it’s not an issue.
What did you do to fix this? I’m dealing with the same exact issue right now on a road trip and we’re miserable. My LO is so uncomfortable and can’t even sleep. I have no idea how to adjust it to make it better for her.
Brittni, PM us at our FB page: facebook.com/carseatblog. If you can, pictures from the side showing the recline (full carseat on the vehicle seat) helps a lot.