CSB’s 2025 List of
Recommended Carseats
Our professional, hands-on reviews & ratings help you to find the best car seat or booster for your child. We narrow down all the options in our Editors’ Picks list. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by too many choices, this abbreviated list is the ideal place to start!
Looking for recommendations on a specific type of seat? Use the jump links below to quickly move to the section that you’re interested in; it saves you from scrolling through the entire list.
Recommended Carseats
Below is the complete list of recommendations for 2025 split into categories. The selection criteria are based on multiple factors, including our extensive hands-on experience installing and using each seat as well as the competition in each category and price point. We do not separate this list by price, however, our top picks in each budget category can be found at the bottom, in our Editors’ Picks section. visit You can also check CarseatBlog’s Amazon Store with our Recommended Car Seats.
Rear-Facing Only (Infant Seats)
Infant seats typically have a base that stays in the vehicle although most (but not all) models can also be installed without the base. This type of carseat is rear-facing only and is highly portable. Almost all babies will outgrow the infant seat by height before reaching the weight limit. You can purchase extra bases to use in other vehicles if that suits your needs.
Chicco KeyFit 30 & KeyFit 35
KeyFit 30 Features: 4-30 lbs.; up to 30″ tall; 3 sets of harness slots; 1 buckle position; 5-position adjustable base; unique center-pull lower LATCH anchor tightening adjustment; premium push-on lower anchor connectors; lockoffs for easy seatbelt installations; EPS foam; newborn insert (4-11 lbs. only); handle can be in any position during travel
KeyFit 35 Features: 4-35 lbs.; up to 32″ tall; 5-position no-rethread harness, 1 buckle position; 6-position adjustable base with anti-rebound bar; unique center-pull lower LATCH anchor tightening adjustment; premium push-on lower anchor connectors; lockoffs for easy seatbelt installations; European beltpath routing option when installed without base; EPS foam; newborn insert (4-11 lbs. only); handle can be in any position during travel. “ClearTex” models are completely free of chemical flame retardants.
Drawbacks: KeyFit 35 offers a no-rethread harness (which is great) but this feature adds a little bit of extra weight to the carrier making KF35 weigh about 8 oz. more than KF30 model.
Our comments: Both models fit preemies equally well. KeyFit 35 will last longer before being outgrown. Both models are very easy to install in a variety of vehicles using either lower LATCH anchors or seatbelt. Easy to attach and detach carrier from base. You can never go wrong with a KeyFit 30 or 35 but be aware that there is an older Chicco KeyFit model for sale (Encore fashion) which is usually less expensive but has a maximum weight limit of 22 lbs.
Clek Liing
Features: 4-32 lbs.; up to 32″ tall; 3 sets of harness slots; 1 buckle position; unique 7-position adjustable base with load leg; rigid lower LATCH connectors; belt-tensioning lockoff for easy seatbelt installations; energy-absorbing EPP foam; 2-piece newborn insert; SPF 100+ canopy; allows European beltpath routing when installed without base; 9-year lifespan before expiration; Merino wool fashions are free of all fire-retardant chemicals.
Drawbacks: Most vehicles don’t have dedicated lower LATCH anchors for the center seating position (although there are a few that do). Just be aware that if you plan to install this seat with LATCH, that you will most likely need to install in an outboard (near the door) seating position. You can still install Liing in the center seating position, but most likely you will need to install the base with seatbelt. Not a big deal since Liing has a nice tensioning lockoff for seatbelt installation, but something consumers should be aware of. Also, the carrier is heavy. At 10+ lbs., the Liing carrier is heavier than most other infant car seats.
Our comments: Load leg vastly improves crash protection. Once you’ve read the manual, Liing is relatively easy to install in a variety of vehicles using rigid lower LATCH connectors. Easy seatbelt installation with tensioning lockoff. Harness adjuster is smooth and very easy to tighten straps. Fits preemies and small newborns well. Instruction manual says handwash or spot clean only but website FAQ clarifies that machine washing in cold water using a front loader on delicate cycle is acceptable. See Our full review of the Clek Liing.
Evenflo LiteMax DLX
LiteMax DLX Features: 3-35 lbs.; up to 32″ tall; 5-position no-rethread harness, 3 buckle positions; 4-position adjustable base with load leg; push-on lower anchor connectors; tensioning lockoff for easy seatbelt installations; dual-zone recline angle indicator; European beltpath routing option when installed without base; EPS foam; newborn insert; handle can be left up in vehicle; lightweight carrier.
Drawbacks: If LiteMax is installed in an outboard seating position, Evenflo requires 1.5″ of space between the carseat and the vehicle’s front seat. Also, travel system stroller compatibility is currently limited to Evenflo strollers.
Our Comments: Evenflo is the first to offer the exceptional safety benefits of load leg technology on an affordable infant car seat. Between the safety features, the ease of installation, and the harness fit, it’s a great value for parents who are looking for premium safety features without the premium price tag. Also a good fit for preemies. See our full review of LiteMax DLX.
Graco SnugRide SnugLock 35
SnugLock 35 Features: 4-35 lbs.; up to 32″ tall; 4 harness height positions; 2 buckle positions; SnugLock base which also acts as a lockoff for seatbelt installations; basic hook-style LATCH connectors; EPS foam; handle can be in any locked position during travel, allows European beltpath routing when installed without the base.
Platinum/Elite Features: 4-35 lbs.; up to 32″ tall; premium SnugLock DLX base which also acts as a lockoff, 15-position no-rethread harness, visor extension on the canopy, rapid-remove cover for easy cleaning, allows European beltpath routing when installed without the base. Platinum XT model comes with cold-weather boot.
Drawbacks: The Platinum model has all the bells and whistles but the tradeoff is that makes the carrier heavier than the more basic SnugLock model.
Our comments: The SnugLock Platinum model comes with the premium SnugLock DLX base that we prefer but the regular SnugLock model is lighter and offers a better value. Both models are easy to install and both fit preemies and small newborns well. Both also have a tall shell so they fit older babies and smaller toddlers well.
Nuna PIPA rx
Features: 4-32 lbs.; up to 32″ tall; 3 sets of harness slots; 2 buckle position; updated RELX base with load leg; rigid lower LATCH connectors; lockoff for easy seatbelt installations; EPS foam & memory foam; 2-piece newborn insert; UPF 50+ canopy with “Dream Drape”; handle can be in any position during travel; allows European beltpath routing when installed without base.
Drawbacks: Most vehicles don’t have dedicated lower LATCH anchors for the center seating position, although there are a few that do. Just be aware that if you plan to install this seat with the awesome rigid LATCH attachments (a major feature of this seat), that you will most likely need to install it in an outboard (near the door) seating position. You can still install Pipa in the center position if you really want/need to do that, but most likely you will need to install the base with the seatbelt. Not a big deal since the Pipa base has a nice lockoff but something consumers should be aware of.
Our comments: Load leg vastly improves crash protection. Super easy to install in a variety of vehicles using rigid lower LATCH connectors. Easy seatbelt installation with lockoff. Harness adjuster is smooth and very easy to tighten straps. Fits preemies and small newborns well. The “Dream Drape” feature is amazing. All Nuna Pipa car seat covers made since 2020 are free of fire-retardant chemicals.
UPPAbaby Mesa
Features: 4-35 lbs.; up to 32″ tall; no re-thread harness with 5 height positions; 2 buckle positions; adjustable base with tension indicator and auto-retracting lower LATCH connectors; lockoff for easy seatbelt installations; EPS foam; integrated canopy made with SPF 50 material; handle can be in any position during travel
Drawbacks: No-rethread harness design lacks a splitter plate so it may not be possible to replace the harness straps down the road if you want/need to do that. Carrier is on the heavy side.
Our comments: MESA is packed with safety and convenience features and is compatible with UPPAbaby Vista & Cruz strollers. The base is a breeze to install with the self-ratcheting lower LATCH connectors. Seatbelt install is also pretty easy thanks to a lockoff on base. This model fits preemies and small newborns well. MESA has a 3-year warranty with product registration. See our complete UPPAbaby MESA review.
Convertible Seats
Convertible seats can be used either rear-facing or forward-facing. A convertible seat is generally the next step after the infant seat. However, many convertible models will fit average-sized, full-term newborns and some parents choose to skip the infant seat altogether and use a convertible right from the start. Weight and height limits vary depending on the specific model.
Chicco NextFit Zip
Zip Features: 5-40 lbs. rear-facing (includes infant insert cushion for babies 5-11 lbs.), 22-65 lbs. forward-facing; no-rethread harness; 2 buckle positions; SuperCinch LATCH tightening system; premium push-on LATCH connectors; 9 position base; energy-absorbing EPS foam; non-twist straps; built-in lockoffs for seatbelt installations plus a zip-off cover for easy washing.
Drawbacks: Heavy and bulky; must switch to a seatbelt installation once child weighs more than 35 lbs. rear-facing or more than 40 lbs. forward-facing (not a big deal since you have lockoffs for easy seatbelt install but not quite as easy as using SuperCinch with LATCH).
Our comments: One of the easiest convertibles to install correctly with LATCH. Installing with SuperCinch is so quick and easy that it’s downright revolutionary. Use seatbelt plus tether to install if child weighs more than 40 lbs. NextFit Zip model fits newborns well. Doesn’t take up a lot of space when rear-facing so it’s a good option for smaller vehicles. Generous rear-facing height and weight limits. Almost all kids will be able to rear-face in the NextFit until they reach 40 lbs. Well-padded and very comfortable. We love the extra convenience of the zip-off cover found only on Zip models.
Cosco Scenera NEXT
Features: 5-40 lbs. rear-facing; 22-40 lbs. forward-facing and at least 2 years old; 4 sets of harness slots; 3 crotch strap positions; fits newborns well; narrow; generally easy to install; lightweight; budget-friendly.
Drawbacks: No EPS or EPP foam; very low top harness slots; sparse padding; basic hook-style LATCH connectors; no lockoff for seatbelt installations but you can use LATCH up to the maximum weight limit of 40 lbs, requires tethering when installed forward-facing.
Our comments: The Scenera NEXT is a good budget-friendly seat for babies and small toddlers. Just don’t expect it to fit many kids over age 3. Also nice for traveling since it’s so lightweight. If installing with LATCH isn’t an option then you must read your vehicle owner’s manual to determine how your seatbelts lock in order to properly install this carseat with seatbelt. Made in USA!
Evenflo Sonus 65
Features: Rear-facing 5-40 lbs.; forward-facing at least 2 years old and 22-65 lbs.; 6 sets of harness slots; 3 crotch strap positions; fits newborns well; generally easy to install; lightweight; budget-friendly
Drawbacks: No lockoffs for seatbelt installation but you can use LATCH forward-facing up to 50 lbs.; moving LATCH belt from RF beltpath to FF beltpath is challenging; Sonus 65 comes out of the box with the LATCH strap routed in forward-facing beltpath which means parents will have to make this adjustment before they can install the seat in the rear-facing position with LATCH.
Our comments: A lightweight and budget-friendly seat that will last for years before being outgrown. Well padded and comfortable. Great for traveling! 2 year age minimum age for forward-facing use. LATCH weight limit is higher than most other seats on the market. Sonus 65 lacks a lockoff for seatbelt installations so you must read your vehicle owner’s manual to determine how your seatbelts lock in order to properly install this carseat with seatbelt. Made in USA!
Graco Extend2Fit
Features: 4-50 lbs. rear-facing, 22-65 lbs. forward-facing; 4-position legrest extension panel for rear-facing only, no-rethread harness with 10 height positions; 2 buckle positions; base has 6 positions; EPS foam; push-on LATCH connectors; harness storage pockets to hold harness out of the way during loading/unloading; infant insert; dual integrated cup holders (cupholders are required to be attached).
Drawbacks: Lacks a lockoff for seatbelt installations; seat takes up more space rear-facing when the legrest panel is extended; harness is more difficult to tighten properly as compared to other Graco seats; moving LATCH belt from RF beltpath to FF beltpath is challenging because the cover is difficult to detach at the bottom; recline position #4 is required when the seat is installed forward-facing for a child weighing less than 40 lbs. Cup holders are required to be attached when seat is in use.
Our Comments: We jokingly refer to Extend2Fit as the “Shut Up and Take My Money Seat” because it’s a home run for Graco! A top choice for extended rear-facing. Reasonably easy to install in most vehicles but discontinue installation with lower LATCH connectors and use seatbelt (plus tether if forward-facing) to install if child weighs more than 45 lbs. Since this seat lacks a lockoff for seatbelt installations you must read your vehicle owner’s manual to determine how your seatbelts lock in order to properly install the E2F with a seatbelt. Should fit average-sized full-term newborns well but may not be a good fit for smaller newborns.
Nuna Rava
Features: 5-50 lbs. rear-facing; 22-65 lbs. forward-facing; 10-position headrest with no-rethread harness; 2 buckle positions; innovative “true tension doors” for ease of installation with seatbelt (preferred installation method); 10-position base; energy-absorbing EPS foam & side impact protection (SIP) pods; smooth harness adjustment; extension panel that can be used rear-facing for increased legroom or forward-facing for additional thigh support.
Drawbacks: Heavy and bulky; may not fit newborns well; top harness slots not as tall as many other convertibles; “true tension door” is not considered a lockoff so you must remember to lock the seatbelt at the retractor if installing Rava with seatbelt.
Our comments: Excellent seat overall if you are planning to use an infant seat from birth and then transition to the Rava when your baby is bigger/older. The 50 lbs. rear-facing weight limit gives parents the option to keep their kids rear-facing longer but the maximum harness height is only 16″ so it will be outgrown by height in the forward-facing position long before the 65 lbs. weight limit is reached. Rava is one of the most expensive convertibles on the market but the quality and features are all top-notch and the styling and fashions are luxurious. LATCH weight limits are 35 lbs. in the rear-facing position and 40 lbs. forward-facing but Nuna recommends installation with seatbelt so you don’t have to remember to switch from one installation method to another when your child reaches a certain weight. See our complete Rava review here.
All-in-One Seats
All-in-one seats can be used rear-facing, forward-facing, and as a booster. They are generally the next step after the infant seat. However, many All-in-One seats will fit average-sized, full-term newborns and some parents choose to skip the infant seat altogether and use a convertible or All-in-One right from the start. Weight and height limits vary depending on the specific model.
Britax One4Life All-in-One
Features: Rear-facing 5-50 lbs.; forward-facing 22-65 lbs.; highback booster 40-120 lbs.; ClickTight installation system which also acts as a lockoff device for the seatbelt; headwings with EPP foam and energy-absorbing headrest; no-rethread harness with 15 height positions; 2 buckle positions; non-twist harness straps; “rip stitch” energy management tether; anti-slip base with impact-absorbing technology and 9 recline positions; optional newborn insert and optional harness strap covers. Optional anti-rebound bar accessory (ARB) sold separately.
Drawbacks: Heavy and bulky, harness can be difficult to tighten when seat is rear-facing.
Our comments: To make your life easier, always use the seatbelt to install any Britax seat that has the ClickTight system. Fits newborns well. Tallest harness height and booster height of any all-in-one seat currently available. If you don’t need the maximum recline angle for a very young baby, these seats do not take up a lot of space when installed rear-facing so they are a good option for smaller vehicles. Some models come with an anti-rebound bar (ARB). You may also purchase the ARB separately if desired. Made in USA! All “Safe Wash” One4Life covers are free of added flame-retardant chemicals.
Evenflo Revolve360 Extend All-in-One
Features: 360-degree rotation allows you to load and unload your child from the side before swiveling the seat into a locked rear-facing or forward-facing orientation; rear-facing 4-50 lbs., forward-facing 22-65 lbs. and at least 2 years old, booster up to 120 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 14 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; seat and base separate for ease of installation; anti-rebound base design; belt-tensioning “LockStrong” bar; EPS foam; infant insert; removable dishwasher-safe cup holders.
Drawbacks: The “LockStrong” belt-tensioner feature is not considered a lockoff so you do need to remember to lock the seatbelt at the retractor once you’re done installing the base. Requires tethering so you need to make sure that you always have an available tether anchor to secure it. Difficult to get a good harness fit with a newborn or smaller baby.
Our Comments: An exciting and innovative all-in-one product that works well in every mode of use (RF/FF/Booster). A rotating seat can be a real lifesaver in some situations and we love how easy it is to install properly.
Models: Recommended models include the Revolve 360, Revolve 360 Extend, Gold Revolve 360 Extend, Revolve 360 Slim, and Gold Revolve 360 Slim.
Graco 4Ever DLX All-in-One & 4Ever SnugLock All-in-One
Features: Rear-facing 4-40 lbs., forward-facing 22-65 lbs., booster mode 40-100 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 10 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; base with multiple recline positions for rear-facing and forward-facing; push-on LATCH connectors; EPS foam; lockoff for forward-facing installations with seatbelt; infant insert; dual cup holders (having the cup holders attached is mandatory)
Differences between DLX model & SnugLock model: 4Ever DLX model has a single basic clamp-style lockoff for installing the seat forward-facing using the seatbelt. There is no lockoff on the DLX model for rear-facing installation with seatbelt. The 4Ever SnugLock model features two awesome tensioning lockoffs, one for rear-facing and one for forward-facing installations. These tensioning lockoffs are also used when installing the seat with LATCH, not just for installation with seatbelt. The SnugLock tensioning lockoff makes achieving a tight installation almost effortless regardless of whether you are installing with LATCH or seatbelt.
Drawbacks: Forward-facing recline positions are dictated by the child’s weight (under/over 40 lbs.) Cup holders are required to be attached when seat is in use.
Our Comments: These are very popular seats and for many good reasons! An excellent choice for extended rear-facing; the 4Ever DLX/SnugLock is so tall that all kids will be able to rear-face in it until they reach 40 lbs. Also fits most average-sized newborns well. Easy to install in many vehicles but discontinue forward-facing installation with lower LATCH connectors and use seatbelt plus tether to install if child weighs more than 45 lbs. We have a complete review of the Graco 4Ever here.
Graco SlimFit3 LX 3-in-1
Features: 5-40 lbs. rear-facing, 22-65 lbs. forward-facing, booster 40-100 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 10 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; base with 2 recline positions for rear-facing and 2 positions for forward-facing; lockoff for forward-facing installations with seatbelt; push-on LATCH connectors; EPS foam; infant insert; dual cup holders.
Drawbacks: Lacks a rear-facing lockoff for easier installations with seatbelt
Our Comments: This new SlimFit3LX model is an ultra-narrow seat (only 16.5″ wide) that tends to fit well next to another carseat or person. An excellent choice for 3-across situations; tall enough that kids will be able to rear-face until they reach 40 lbs. Low sides make it easy to load and unload your child. The harness adjuster is smooth and it’s easy to tighten the straps. Reasonably easy to install properly in many vehicles but discontinue forward-facing installation with lower LATCH connectors and use seatbelt plus tether to install if child weighs more than 45 lbs.
Graco TrioGrow SnugLock 3-in-1
Features: Rear-facing 5-40 lbs., forward-facing 22-65 lbs., booster 40-100 lbs.; no-rethread harness with 10 position headrest; 2 buckle positions; swiveling “SnugLock” lockoff that can be used for both rear-facing and forward-facing installations, base with multiple recline positions for rear-facing and forward-facing; push-on LATCH connectors; EPS foam; infant insert; dual integrated cup holders.
Drawbacks: Cup holders are required when seat is in use.
Our Comments: TrioGrow SnugLock is so easy to install correctly! The unique swiveling lockoff is also a tensioning device for installations with either LATCH or seatbelt. The SnugLock feature means no more sweating and cussing trying to install your car seat tightly! An excellent choice for extended rear-facing; TrioGrow is so tall that all kids will be able to rear-face in it until they reach 40 lbs. Also fits most average-sized newborns well. Use seatbelt plus tether to install for kids who weigh more than 45 lbs.
Combination Seats
Combination seats are forward-facing only seats that can be used initially with their 5-point harnesses and then converted to a belt-positioning booster seat after the harness is outgrown. Most of these seats are designed for kids who are at least 2 years old.
Britax Grow With You ClickTight
Features: Forward-facing 25-65 lbs. and at least 2 years old; booster mode 40-120 lbs.; innovative ClickTight installation system; 9-position no-rethread harness; 3 buckle positions; SafeCell technology in base; “rip stitch” energy management versa-tether; dual integrated cup holders; “Safe Wash” covers are available for the GWY ClickTight PLUS models – All Britax “Safe Wash” covers are naturally flame retardant so they are free of added flame-retardant chemicals.
Drawbacks: Heavy & bulky; LATCH installation is limited to kids who weigh less than 40 lbs. – but who needs LATCH when you have the awesomeness of ClickTight? The new naming scheme is awful and confusing. Be aware that there are 3 versions of Grow With You and the least expensive version lacks the amazing clicktight installation system. For this reason, we do NOT recommend the base model Grow With You.
Our comments: The 65-pound harness weight limit combined with VERY tall top harness slots means kids are likely to fit in this seat for a long time. ClickTight installation system makes it a dream to install properly with seatbelt and acts as a lockoff. 9-year lifespan before expiration. Made in the USA! See our Britax Grow With You ClickTight Review here.
Chicco MyFit & MyFit Zip Air
Features: 5-point harness from 25-65 lbs. AND at least 2 years old; booster from 40 to 100 lbs.; 9-position no-rethread harness; 2 crotch strap positions; 4-position adjustable base, lockoffs for seatbelt installation, EPS foam; dual integrated cup holders, Zip Air version features SuperCinch LATCH tightening system.
Differences between MyFit & MyFit Zip Air: MyFit Zip Air offers all the features of regular MyFit but also includes SuperCinch force-multiplying system on the LATCH strap (same as NextFit convertible), a convenient 3D AirMesh breathable zip-off top layer that is easily removable for machine washing, comfort waist belts (these are pads that attach to the hip straps on the harness and make loading child easier by keeping the buckle tongues from sliding all the way down into the seat) and a kid console (storage pod that inserts into cup holder).
Drawbacks: Challenging or incompatible installations in some vehicles (this is less of an issue if you have the Zip Air model and are installing with SuperCinch LATCH system), seatbelt lockoff can be problematic in some vehicles but you can always lock the seatbelt at the retractor if you’re having issues with the lockoff and that will solve the problem.
Our comments: Finally, a narrow seat with very tall top harness slots! Ease of use is spectacular but the ease of installation varies from vehicle to vehicle – sometimes the installation is quick and painless (especially if you have the Zip Air model with SuperCinch and you are installing with LATCH), other times you have to really work at it to get a solid installation. And sometimes it’s just completely incompatible with some vehicles or seating positions. You definitely want to “try before you buy” or order from a retailer with free returns in case it doesn’t work out in your vehicle. See our Chicco MyFit Review here.
Evenflo Maestro Sport
Features: 5-point harness from 22-50 lbs. AND at least 2 years old; booster from 40 to 100 lbs. AND at least 4 years old; 4 sets of harness slots; EPS foam; 2 crotch strap positions; dual integrated cup holders; lightweight
Drawbacks: Not height-adjustable; basic hook-style LATCH connectors; lacks a lockoff for seatbelt installations
Our comments: A nice, lightweight seat for kids at least 2 years old that is also budget-friendly. Tall top harness slots combined with the 50 lbs. weight limit on the harness is enough to get many kids to the size/age/maturity to safely transition to a booster. You can install with LATCH up to the maximum harness limit of 50 lbs. If installing with LATCH isn’t an option then you must read your vehicle owner’s manual to determine how your seatbelts lock in order to properly install this carseat with seatbelt. The Maestro Sport has a Best Bet booster rating from the IIHS. See the Evenflo Maestro review here.
Highback Boosters
Highback booster seats are dedicated belt-positioning booster seats that have a back and head restraint. They do not have a 5-point harness and must be used with the vehicle’s lap/shoulder seatbelt. Some models may also convert to a backless booster.
Britax Skyline 2-Stage
Specs & Features: 40-120 lbs.; 44-63″ tall. 10 height positions; dual cup holders; push-on lower LATCH attachments; converts to backless booster.
Drawbacks: Lacks some of the features found on the premium Britax Highpoint Booster model
Our comments: Designed for school-age kids who are at least 40 lbs., 44″ tall, and mature enough to sit properly in a booster seat. These versatile Britax boosters will grow with your older child. Very tall maximum height setting. Good head and torso support for sleeping kids and for enhanced protection in side-impact crashes. Skyline has a “Best Best” fit rating when used as a highback booster.
Chicco KidFit

Specs & Features: 40-100 lbs., 38-57″ tall, at least 4 years old; lower LATCH connectors; 10 height positions; EPS foam in headrest; dual cup holders; converts to backless booster, “Kidfit Zip Plus” models have machine washable zip-off pads and quick-release LATCH connectors.
Drawbacks: Minor assembly required; not as tall as other dedicated highback boosters
Our comments: Designed for school-age kids who are at least 40 lbs., and mature enough to sit properly in a booster seat. It’s reasonably priced, comfortable, LATCHable and tends to fit kids of different sizes well. We just wish it was a little bit taller! The Chicco KidFit has a Best Bet fit rating from the IIHS in both highback and backless mode.
Graco TurboBooster LX 2.0
Specs & Features: 40-100 lbs., 43-57″ tall, at least 4 years old; lower LATCH anchor connectors; EPS foam in headrest; dual cup holders; converts to backless booster.
Drawbacks: Assembly required; not as tall as other dedicated highback boosters
Our comments: Designed for school-age kids who are at least 40 lbs., 43″ tall and are mature enough to sit properly in a booster. It’s budget-friendly, LATCHable and tends to fit kids of different sizes well. We only wish it was taller! The Affix has a Best Bet rating from the IIHS in both highback or backless mode. See our review of the Graco Affix here.
Backless Boosters
Backless boosters are belt-positioning boosters that raise the child up so the lap/shoulder seatbelt fits correctly. The vehicle must have a head restraint for the child since the booster doesn’t provide head support for whiplash protection. Backless boosters are recommended for older kids who don’t sleep frequently in the car.
Chicco GoFit Plus
Specs & Features: 40-110 lbs.; innovative quick-release lower LATCH connectors; dual integrated “cup folders”; optional shoulder belt adjuster strap
Drawbacks: More expensive than most other backless boosters
Our comments: It’s a backless booster with premium push-on LATCH attachments that detaches quickly and easily with a single motion. Well-padded and comfortable with removable, foldable, dishwasher-safe cup holders. It’s tough to get excited about a backless booster but this little seat is pretty awesome! We recommend only for older kids who don’t sleep in the car and are mature enough to sit properly in a booster.
Editors’ Picks
This award goes to our favorite seats in each category. We separate each category by cost (budget, midrange & premium) and limit the choices to just one or two models at each price point. If you want to narrow down your choices quickly, this is the place to start!
Rear-Facing Only (Infant Seats)
Budget: Evenflo LiteMax 35
Midrange: Chicco Keyfit 30
Premium: Nuna PIPA rx
Convertible Carseats
Budget: Cosco Scenera NEXT
Midrange: Graco Extend2Fit
Premium: Chicco NextFit Zip
All-In-One Carseats (RF/FF/Booster)
Midrange: Graco TrioGrow
Combination Carseats
Budget: Evenflo Maestro Sport
Premium: Britax Grow With You ClickTight
High Back Boosters
Budget: TurboBooster LX 2.0
Midrange: Britax Skyline
Backless Boosters
Premium: Chicco GoFit Plus
Our full list of Recommended Carseats can be found above by scrolling UP.
You can find many of our top picks at our Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/carseatblog.
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