Marvin is on hiatus from “Ask Marvin”, at least until inspiration strikes. Please feel free to send your ideas or questions to marvin “at” carseatblog “dot” com or send him a PM! Until then, Marvin hopes to continue with some free giveaways.
Today, Marvin has to resort to stealing another Blu Ray movie from his person’s ebay pile. It’s a tad violent, but Marvin suspects that at least a few of his readers will watch it just for Mel Gibson… It’s The Patriot, unrated extended cut edition. Brand new, still sealed.
Want it? Just leave a nice comment for Marvin and you will be entered for the random drawing on Tuesday. You also get a rep click from Marvin if you are a member of the Car-Seat.Org forums! One entry per person, if you leave more than one comment, only the first one counts.
Marvin also hopes you like our new look at CarseatBlog.Com! Marvin hears there were some upgrades over the weekend and that there may be some more changes to the appearance in the near future. If you see something you like or don’t like, please let Marvin know!
Marvin wishes he could take credit, but the new skin is a free download with some minor modifications. On the other hand, I think the author is from India, so still very impressive overall in terms of spelling!
Hey, Marvin, I noticed a typo on the blog. If you scroll to the bottom, you have the option of clicking on the next post or the “Previose” one. Overall, though, your spelling is better than that of most humans!
Thanks to, our winner today is….
Congrats- please send Marvin a PM or email to marvin “at” carseatblog “dot” com . It might not be until next week that it ships…
Have I even told you that you look great in blue?
Had that come free with my Blu Ray player, I would!
Meh, I can’t enjoy Mel Gibson movies anymore. You know, if you want a movie that deals with the revolution, you should give a copy of the musical 1776.
Come on. lol
I see what’s going on here. I’m betting the “inspiration” Marvin’s craving = shrimpy flakes.
There are no carseats in The Patriot, not even seat belts or cars.
Even so, my dh likes it. *grin*
Doh! I will see if I can figure out how to change that!
I’m digging the facelift on the blog. But there is one thing I noticed that I didn’t like.
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How come I have to use my real name? What if I don’t want everyone who reads to know my name is Wynter Wuntrlind? Can you imagine how badly I have been picked on for that name? Not only does it encompass the all around hatred for off the wall spelling of names, but it also happens to be a seasonal term for the holidays AND has the potential of being a really good “professional” name.
Want to spend a day with Wynter Wuntrlind? Probably not, you might go into hibernation or flat-out freeze. We couldn’t have that happen!
(BTW I have been waiting HOURS for people to reply. Seems like no one wanted to be first. I was first last time, didn’t want firsts this time :p )
Marvin, the only reason that my turtle wants to eat you is that you are the most beautiful color blue. You remind me of my first nice car seat seat: a prefectly installed, rear-facing, Britax Wizard in Midnight.
Hi, Marvin! The new banner at the top of the blog sort of looks like an aquarium… (That’s neither good nor bad. Just saying.)