2020 Nuna PIPA Lite & PIPA Lite LX Review
I think one of the biggest challenges for a car seat company is when they already have an exceptional product on the market. Typically, it’s not that difficult to find ways to improve your existing product. But when you already have a great seat, like say, the Nuna PIPA, it’s tough to find ways to make it better. Nuna seems to have been working hard on this and for a great majority of families, I think they’ve knocked it out of the park.
First, I’d strongly recommend you read our 2020 Nuna PIPA Review because the PIPA lite is, at the most basic level, a PIPA, and that review is a very thorough look at it. I’m not going to waste words retelling the PIPA story because I want to highlight the features of the “lite” model.
The PIPA lite and PIPA lite lx have the same exceptional base, the same stroller adaptivity, and basically the same dimensions. If you looked at one from a distance, you might not notice it wasn’t an original model PIPA. But when you get closer and especially when you get your hands on it, you can see the ways they’ve taken an already outstanding rear-facing-only seat and thoughtfully upgraded it.
PIPA lite Specs & Features
- 4-32 pounds; 32” or less
AND at least 1” of shell above baby’s head
- 3 harness height positions, 1 crotch buckle position
- PIPA base with rigid lower LATCH connectors, seatbelt lockoff AND “stability leg” (otherwise known as a load leg)
- Energy-absorbing EPP foam through entire top and back of shell
- 7-year expiration
- Luxe leatherette carry handle
- Weight of carrier is only 6.7 pounds including infant insert and canopy
- The entire seat, foam, fabric, and inserts are flame-resistant but contain zero added chemical flame-retardants
- Infant insert is 2 separate pieces
- 2 sets of inserts/strap covers, one of which is certified organic cotton. The head support insert contains tailor tech memory foam to make it fit and grow with baby.
PIPA lite Measurements
- Harness slot heights: 6”, 8”, 10”
- Lowest harness slot height with infant insert and low-birthweight pillow: approximately 4”, the curved nature of the insert makes it tough to measure precisely, but it’s looooow.
- Crotch strap/buckle position (without insert): 6”
- Widest point (at the outside of the carrying handle adjuster): 17”
- Internal shell height: 19”
- Carrier weight: 6.7 pounds with canopy and inserts (5.3 pounds without)
What Makes it Lite?
So the base is the same, the shell is essentially the same and you might be tempted to dismiss the PIPA lite as nothing new, but you’d be wrong because there are some substantial differences between the original PIPA and the PIPA lite and these differences are big deals.
The original PIPA model weighs in at a very reasonable 9.4 pounds, but the PIPA lite (without the inserts) is only 5.3 pounds, making it the lightest rear-facing-only car seat out there. When the seat is empty, it’s almost unbelievably light for an infant seat, especially for such a solid seat made of quality materials. It’s so light you can literally carry it with a single finger. Once you put a baby in it, it’s not quite as light, but I will tell you, without hesitation, the difference in weight between my 4-month-old baby in the PIPA and in the PIPA lite is noticeable. Those 4 pounds make a difference.
I routinely have to carry several handfuls of kid paraphernalia out of the car in addition to the baby, and the PIPA lite is so much easier to carry than other infant seats. I often carry it with 2 fingers or hook it in the crook of my arm and even with Ben in it, it’s generally not the heaviest item in my arms. You might be tempted to dismiss the weight reduction as insignificant, but you would be wrong. I really mean that.
To make the PIPA lite so light, the folks at Nuna had to trim some “fat” from the original PIPA and adjust some of the materials.
What’s missing from the original PIPA?
The PIPA lite cannot be installed without the base. This is probably the most significant change and for some people, this change is a deal-breaker. If you routinely use Uber/Lyft or taxis, or if you can’t just swap the base between cars (and if you haven’t used a PIPA base before, it literally, no exaggeration, takes less than 15 seconds in install), then you should look at the original model PIPA instead, which is a truly outstanding car seat.
If, like me, you only use the same two vehicles and virtually never any other kind of car service, the baseless installation isn’t something you’ll miss. I’ve been a mom for 5 years and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve installed my infant seats without the base and each time it was because I didn’t want to bother swapping my base, not because I couldn’t. Further, as a CPS Technician, I can say that in four years, I’ve never seen a baseless installation done correctly on the first try. I’m not suggesting we get rid of this installation option, but I’m also not going to say that I disagree with Nuna’s choice here.
If you’re in an emergency with your PIPA lite, it would not take any more time to install the base than it would to install baseless like you could with the original PIPA model. And by always using the base, you have the safety bonus of the stability leg, which we know improves crash performance. The total time it takes me to install the base with the rigid lower LATCH connectors was 10 seconds. I’m not exaggerating. I made my husband take a video (and if there’s public outcry I’ll upload it, but otherwise, let’s all be grateful to not spend 10 seconds staring at my butt while I install a car seat base). The total time it takes me to install the PIPA lite base with the seatbelt was 58 seconds and I tried to do it somewhat leisurely. Installing the original PIPA carrier without the base took me 59 seconds. I did it twice and both times I somehow ended up with a twist in my seatbelt. Basically (pun intended) the base is quick and easy to install and it makes no sense to lament the loss of a baseless installation unless you plan to travel by plane, taxi or car service and don’t want to drag the heavy base around with you.
The other feature that you won’t find on the standard PIPA lite model is the “dream drape”. However, that is a feature on the PIPA Lite LX model so go for the upgraded “LX” model if you really want the dream drape. Honestly, I was sadder about the lack of a dream drape on my Pipa lite review sample than I was about the seatbelt routing omission on the carrier. But now that I’ve used the PIPA lite for a while, I find that I don’t miss the dream drape that much after all. The standard canopy, plus a fold-out flap to extend it, has been more than adequate to block the sun. However, I am happy to see that the dream drape is offered on the PIPA lite lx model.
What’s new on the PIPA lite?
To lighten the PIPA lite, Nuna looked to new, lighter materials first. They replaced some of the existing materials with aerospace aluminum, which is exceedingly lightweight for a metal, and swapped out the regular EPS energy-absorbing foam with “Aeroflex” foam. This EPP foam is lighter, but it’s specially made to absorb and diffuse energy.
The PIPA lite also sports new fabric and it’s no ordinary car seat cover/padding. The cover and padding are both totally free from chemical flame retardants, yet they still pass all FMVSS 213 flammability tests. And, if that wasn’t enough, one of the inserts/strap cover sets that comes with the PIPA lite is made of organic cotton. As the mother of babies who love to spit up in car seats, having 2 sets of inserts was the best surprise!
Nuna was able to accomplish a flame-retardant-free seat by choosing materials that were naturally flame retardant so they didn’t have to add anything to the seat to make it pass the flammability standards. I was excited about the lack of flame retardants, but I anticipated a kind of rough fabric and I was shocked. The seat cover is absolutely gorgeous looking and it’s also really soft. The cotton insert is super snuggly, I kind of wish someone would make me a seat out of it. I have also been amazed at how cool it has been, often feeling cool to the touch when I would expect it to be overly warm.
The harness slot heights on PIPA lite and lite lx are the same as the original PIPA, but there is only one crotch strap/buckle position on the lite and lite lx models. The major difference is the insert. The original PIPA has a 1-piece insert with a low birthweight pillow. The PIPA lite/lite lx models have a 2-piece infant insert, either of which can be used by itself, with the same style low birthweight pillow that can be added for preemies (remove at around 11 lbs. when a snug fit can be achieved without it). The insert on the lite/lite lx has a separate head portion, which allows you to remove the lower portion when baby is bigger while still giving some head cushion/support. This seems small, but it’s one of my favorite improvements on this seat because I wasn’t really wild about the newborn insert on the original PIPA. The soft goods are plush and functional, though the strap covers are a little bulky on small babies or babies with spectacular cheeks. We still aren’t using the strap covers for Ben, who is 4 months and around 15 pounds, most of which is stored in his cheeks.
The fit on a smaller infant is excellent. When Ben first tried out this seat, he was barely 7 pounds and 19 inches and it fit him so much better than the seat we were using that I immediately swapped it out for the PIPA lite. He could’ve been several pounds and inches smaller and he still would have fit well. Because the shell is all one piece (i.e. there’s no separate adjustable headrest), there’s nothing pushing the head forward and no airway concerns. As Ben has grown, the fit has continued to be outstanding, just as it is on the original PIPA. Given the height of the top slots and the length of harness webbing, I can’t see any reason that the PIPA lite wouldn’t have an excellent fit to the limits of the seat, just as the original PIPA does.
Again, I’d recommend checking out the full 2020 Nuna PIPA review, as the coverage of the fit-to-vehicle there is very comprehensive. I’ll only reiterate that the PIPA is a narrow seat, fitting well in cramped situations, with a very reasonable front-to-back size. The base installation is insanely simple and secure with rigid LATCH connectors that you can only find on a handful of other US seats.
Stroller Compatability
PIPA, PIPA lite, and PIPA lite lx are all compatible with the Nuna TAVO, Nuna DEMI grow and Nuna MIXX2 strollers. Adapters are available (for purchase separately) to make them compatible with the Bugaboo Cameleon, and 2015 or later models of the UPPAbaby VISTA and CRUZ. PIPA seats may also be compatible with other strollers that utilize Maxi-Cosi car seat adapters.
PIPA lite Advantages
- The lightest infant seat carrier on the market
- Chemical flame-retardant-free
- Outstanding fit on smaller babies, with room for growth
- Uses the original PIPA base with rigid lower LATCH anchors, seatbelt lockoff, and a stability/load leg
- Infant insert is now two pieces, allowing use of just head support or just lower portion for better fit/flexibility
- Comes with two sets of high-quality infant inserts, both free of chemical flame retardants and one made of certified organic cotton with no dyes
- Memory foam in headrest for comfort
- Compatible with the same strollers as the original PIPA
PIPA lite Disadvantages
- PIPA lite & lite lx models cannot be installed without the base. For frequent users of public transportation or airplane travel, the original PIPA is a great alternative.
- There is no dream drape on the lite model canopy (though it is available on the PIPA lite lx model)
- The strap covers may be too bulky for smaller infants
- Made in China
- While I firmly believe it to be worth every penny, the PIPA lite is not in everyone’s budget
The original Nuna PIPA is a truly outstanding car seat and the new Nuna PIPA lite and PIPA lite lx carry on and improve upon that tradition. The thoughtful use of materials and trimming of some extras combine to make the seat featherlight while still being incredibly safe. Each detail feels carefully thought-out for safety and for ease of use, and the result is a gorgeous, high-quality, lightweight and safe seat. If you’re not a frequent Uber/taxi/airplane traveler and you want a lightweight, chemical flame-retardant-free seat, look no further. You won’t find a seat that manages safety, style, and function the way that the Pipa Lite does. And your carrying arm will thank you, too.
Thank you to Nuna for providing this PIPA lite for review. No other compensation was provided and the opinions and comments are entirely those of the author.
For additional information on the PIPA lite see Nuna’s website: https://www.nunababy.com/usa/pipa-lite
Updated January 2020
Hi! Okay – so amazing review. We just received our Pipa Lite LX. Did you find that the canopy was “flimsy”, or didn’t lock into place super firm? For whatever reason our canopy will not stay in the fully covered position (i.e. when the tongue of the canopy goes past the handle). Nuna is sending us a new canopy without question, but wondering if it user error over a defect? Thanks so much – trust your insights!!!
Hi, can you tell me if the Pipa lite soft jersey inserts can also be used in the Pipa RX? The insert with the RX doesn’t look that cozy. An article on compatible inserts would be great.
Hi There – I own the Nuna Pipa Lite LX and will need to adjust the seat fit again so my 8-month-old is comfortably strapped in. Judging by this post it seems as though the seat can be used without the lower insert/seat padding (not the 11-pound low birthweight pillow), however the seat is very hard without it. I’ve also been receiving conflicting information from Nuna support (which quite frankly may just be a communication error). Can you point to a resource that confirms if the seat padding needs to be used or not? Thanks!
Hi. You can continue to use the larger body support. Nuna wants the low birth weight pillow removed at 11 lbs. because by that size, you should be getting a good harness fit on your child (I laugh when I call it the “low birth weight pillow” because my 8 lbs. 5 oz babies were not low birth weight!). The manual, on pg. 20, specifies this info and the important part is the very first sentence, which is “The head and body supports can be used as necessary, to provide a snug fit for small babies.” There’s also a FAQ on it if you click here: https://www.nunababy.com/usa/car-seat-headquarters-pipa-lite-series.
All that aside, firm carseats don’t seem to be a problem for most children. Diapers provide a level of cushioning and hopefully kids aren’t spending such amounts of time in them that it does become an issue.
I agree, it’s very hard! Doesn’t seem right.
Hello, I am going to be a new dad in 5-or so weeks. I’m really torn between the Pipa and the Pipa Lite. I understand the differences, sacrificing the peek-a-boo window, dream drape, and baseless install. However, what I cannot seem to find any information on, from Nuna or elsewhere, is why the Pipa Lite, is two inches longer. In photos, and when I have seen them in person at Nordstrom, they seemed to be almost exactly the same size. So my big question is: Does that extra two inches of length actually mean the carseat extends two more inches forward of the back seat (thus meaning the front passenger seat would have to be two inches more forward as well)? I would measure this myself, but stores aren’t open due to the pandemic.
I realize it may be asking a lot, but if you do still have them both on hand, would you be willing to try each one in the base and let me know if it actually means the front seat needs to be more forward? I noticed that the handles are different, and it makes me wonder if maybe the length dimensions that Nuna and other retailers have posted include the handle in the horizontal position, thus adding length.
Any light you can shed on this would be so greatly appreciated!
Thanks for all the information you have provided already! This is really helpful!
Hi Ben- it looks like the official Nuna measurements do show the Pipa Lite (27.3″) to be just under one inch longer than the standard Pipa (26.5″). I asked the Nuna advocate this question and he is going to measure to verify. I will get back to you on this ASAP.
Thank you so much! I’m actually torn between the new Pipa RX or the Pipa Lite R, but the issue is the same. The Lite R dimension are listed as longer than the Pipa RX. I’m pretty sure the result will yield the same info… if its actually longer, or perhaps its just the different handle shape.
I too called NUNA, but they weren’t able to tell because they didn’t have anyone in the showroom to measure.
I really appreciate your help on this! You all are the best!
Hi, I was wondering your thoughts on head position and airway restriction. The picture in the Fit-to-Child section is about what my newborn (4 weeks, ~10+ pounds, ~22+ inches) looks like in the seat. It looks to me like the baby in the picture has his chin on his chest. What are some guidelines for checking Baby is not suffering from positional airway restriction? Thanks!
Hi Adrienne, the most important factor is to make sure the seat is in the proper recline angle when installed in the car. The liquid bubble level should be touching the line. If it’s not, engage the kickstand that is folded under the base and see if that fixes the issue. The baby pictured doesn’t have his head slumped forward, the way he looks is just typical of newborns. If your baby looks the same way, I wouldn’t sweat it. For reference, here is a picture of a baby who has chin-to-chest positioning in his carseat: https://community.babycenter.com/post/a69914039/car-seat-help-chin-to-chest HTH!