
Over 18 years ago, CarseatBlog was launched. Kecia joined Heather and I the following year, when we began regularly blogging and publishing reviews at our own website. CarseatBlog was the first media outlet dedicated only to Child Passenger Safety, and we were the original influencers in the car seat retail space. Since then, with all our awesome editors and contributors, we have helped both parents and advocates with compassionate safety education, reviews, and industry news. We hope we have helped many of you select the right car seat and use it correctly! As we move on to other projects, we want to thank all of our followers and visitors for supporting us through our journey to help keep kids safe in cars. and some of its social media outlets will continue operating at a basic level for public service information, at least until later this year. For now, parents and caregivers can still find answers to their questions on our other channels, including the facebook group, Car-Seat.Org Vehicle and Car Seat Safety. For those not on facebook or those concerned about internet privacy and big-brother social media websites, Car-Seat.Org still offers the only way to ask car seat related questions anonymously, as a visitor, ever since 2001.

I will conclude our excellent adventure with my best advice. It is still by far the most important advice to keep your family safe on the roads. Almost all of the other choices, the brand of carseat, harness vs. booster, rear vs. forward facing, what vehicle to choose, what safety features to get… These choices are mostly icing on the cake for occupant protection, especially when compared to the “cake” that is proven to reduce risk most significantly to all motor vehicle passengers:

Please drive safely, unimpaired, and undistracted. Buckle up every occupant according to state law and according to the instruction manuals for your child safety seat and vehicle.

Thank you from Darren, Kecia, Heather, Jennie, and all of us from CarseatBlog!, Car-Seat.Org and database may be for sale later this year.  If you are interested, serious inquires please contact me: cpsdarren “at” gmail.

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