The GO is Back


Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 10.38.07 AMPerhaps no car seat in history has had such a varied history as the GO.

The GO was originally launched by IMMI in 2006 as the SafeGuard GO. After a few improvements were made – it became the SafeGuard GO Hybrid. The design was then sold to Dorel, who marketed the seat as the Safety 1st GO Hybrid. The Safety 1st GO Hybrid was on our list of Recommended Seats until it was discontinued. Then the GO went away, only to pop up a few months ago as an exclusive car seat for Uber cars. Many people wondered if it would be available for individual purchase again, and…it finally is.

The seat is now back in the hands of IMMI (owners of SafeGuard) as the IMMI GO, and can be ordered through the IMMI Go website. It retails for $199, and is currently available in only one color (black leather). There are no plans for other colors or fabrics in the immediate future.

The GO is a unique seat in that it doesn’t have a hard shell. The forward-facing harness is connected to a solid bottom (that can be used on its own as a backless booster), and a flexible back that is held in place by a top tether. Because of this, the GO must be installed in a location with a top tether anchor when using it as a harness. The benefit of the GO is that it’s a fantastic travel seat since it caScreen Shot 2014-11-04 at 10.38.43 AMn fold down to a size just larger than a backless booster, and comes with its own travel bag.

The IMMI GO appears a bit different than the previous models. Instead of coming with a separate carry bag, the bag is now attached to the seat itself, and, according to the installation videos on their website, needs to be rolled under the seat before installing.

We’ll bring you more details as we get them.


  1. Ashley T September 28, 2015
  2. Jennifer May 17, 2015
  3. AF April 11, 2015
  4. Kate November 8, 2014
  5. Julie Abel-Gregory November 4, 2014