4Moms had a big unveiling of their new infant seat, to be released at the end of 2014. 4Moms is known as the high-tech company where its products make life easier for parents by folding and unfolding by themselves; for instance, their Origami stroller folds at the push of a button. The new infant seat, unveiled at a press event today at the ABC Show installs itself, self-levels, and verifies the install before each ride. It has a no re-thread harness and side impact protection.
Because this is a *very* EARLY prototype, 4Moms is still working on practically everything on the seat. Preliminarily, the infant seat has a weight limit of 4-22 lbs. Price point hasn’t been decided yet, but will be $$$$.
@Marianne, it has a motorized system, presumably battery powered. Once you buckle the seatbelt, the motors tension and tighten the seat, and then adjust the angle as well. Then a computer check everything to make sure it remains correct each time the carrier is clicked into the base.
So this is a cool idea and all… but why do an infant seat? They aren’t used for long (especially with a 22lb limit) so a super high price tag doesn’t make too much sense and the bases are much easier to install than installing a RF convertible. Why not put the resources into a self-installing ERF seat? Now *that* would be worth a premium!
Holy moly! Even my DD was amazed! I think the price tag would take my breath away though!
Holy smokes, what will they think of next?!?
How does it “install itself?”