A Message From SafetyBeltSafe USA


We are asking for your participation. SBS USA was chosen as 1 of 100 project providers to compete in the State Farm Insurance “Cause an Effect”. As you will see below, we need everyone’s support to move to the TOP 40 in the group to receive the $25,000 gift for the proposed Boosters Are For Big Kids project in Pasadena, CA.

The short message: Vote 10 times a day from now until 5/17 at this site. See below for details! And thank you—your votes are our chance to reduce injuries of kids in cars.

 TO: You and Your Friends

FROM: Stephanie Tombrello, SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A.

SUBJECT: Cause An Effect – Help Bring $25,000 toSafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. to Prevent Needless Injuries of Kids in Cars! WE NEED YOUR VOTES! IT COSTSNOTHING BUT A FEW MOMENTS OF YOUR TIME. You can vote 10 times on a single direct visit every day.

Now it’s time to vote! Help us Cause AnEffect!

SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. has been selectedas one of the top 100 finalists in
Cause An Effect, a State Farm crowd-sourced philanthropic initiative whichlets communities determine where grant funding isawarded, exclusively through Facebook. We need you to rally behind our Cause, cast your vote, and help us earn a $25,000 grant toexpand Boosters Are For Big Kids, a program that teaches kids and adults howbelts should fit and how long boosters are needed—until age 10-12 in mostvehicles, engaging all of the community agencies in supporting this message. Buckling up right will cutinjuries for kids almost in half, preventing life-changing hurt.

It’s simple to support our cause and vote – visit the StateFarm Facebook page by clicking here

then click on the “Vote” button to show your support forSafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. to present Boosters Are For Big Kids as a Model Cityprogram in Pasadena.**

The voting phase is open from April 27 to May 17 and any Facebook user is eligibleto vote up to 10times per day for our Cause. The 40 Causes with the most votes will beannounced on May 22 andwill be awarded$25,000 each.

**Summary of our Project: Most people don’t know that morethan 500 U.S. kids every week are injured in traffic crashes. Many injuries ofelementary school kids are devastating and lifelong but most could have beenprevented by a $20 booster seat. Few parents know kids need a booster to age10-12. Pasadena is a diverse city with groups ready to tell families: theinjury rate in car crashes for kids from K-5 grades can be reduced by 45% ifchildren not fitting safety belts properly use booster seats.

SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. engages entire school communities,teaching kids how to protect themselves and to use peer support to help friendsride safely. We bring together schools, youth agencies, service groups, healthcare, and law enforcement to promote the 5-Step Test to determine booster usethrough ages 10-12.**

Pasadena is acity of active residents and already local organizations are embracing thisidea. Please add YOUR support so we can address traffic risks to Pasadenachildren! Vote 10 times today!! And keep it up every day so we can win on May17! If we have the funding to focus on this project, SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. willbe able to build on the core of this project to offer more services nationallyand locally.
With your help,we can seize this opportunity to create a safer, better educated and moreengaged community.

Please encourage your colleagues,friends, and family to vote and help spread the word on Facebook.

Together, you and State Farm can help bea catalyst for change in our community!




  1. ketchupqueen May 3, 2012
  2. Amanda Tak May 2, 2012
  3. Jools May 1, 2012