Carseatblog’s mascot, Marvin the half moon plakat betta fish, died over the weekend. As coordinator of all our giveaways, he will be missed. If we lack the creativity to come up with some other way to do fun giveaways, Marvin’s cousin, Melvin, or another new mascot will be named in the future! So long, Marvin, and thanks for all the fishyness.
Oh, poor sweet little Marvin. I hope his passing was painless…
I guess I’ll never be able to take out Marvin as Sushi now… 🙁
Sorry to hear of his flushing, I mean passing.
guess i need to change my avatar. 😛
Aw, poor Marvin.
RIP, Marvin. We’ll miss you.
Awww poor Marvin – My sympathies.
Oh Marvin! You will be missed 🙁
I hope you found your giant breeding center / crash test facility in the sky Marvin. You will be missed.
Sniff, sniff. I’m really going miss the little blue guy. His fishy wit and charm made him one of a kind. My sincere condolences.
Oh no, Marvin! I will miss you. Ya cute little blue thing.
So sorry for your loss. He was a good fish and a great pal.
Oh, how sad 🙁 Our Betta died a couple weeks ago, but he didn’t know nearly as much about car seats. My condolences to Marvin’s family.
oh no! RIP, Marvin.
RIP Marvin.
Aww, I will miss him, RIP, Marvin
RIP Marvin.
Ah Marvin… enjoy the final ride. Remember man, all drains lead to the ocean. Not that it will do you much good as a fresh water fish, but it’s a nice thought.
Awww, we’ll miss you Marvin
RIP Marvin… you will be missed.
🙁 R.I.P. Marvin the magnificent.